Last weekend I attended the largest festival of Art and flight called Hangariada from Iasi, this being the only festival in the country of mix art and aviation. During the three days the participants were able to enjoy parachute jumps, gliding and aviation acrobatics. Also there were theater performances, concerts, exhibitions of paintings, sculpture, photography and handmade creations. Among the artists who performed on the stage were also one of my fav band the Subcarpati, they made my Saturday evening truly delightful.
I chose a rock outfit mixing a pair of faux leather shorts, boots, an asymmetrical black t-shirt, a bold necklace and a hat. My hairstyle was a new for me, although I often had wavy hair I never had it that curly. It was worth the effort as it lasted for three days, thus for three long days I got tones of compliments ;)
Hug you all with love!
Weekendul trecut am luat parte la cel mai mare festival de
Arta si Zbor Hangariada de la Iasi, acesta fiind de altfel singurul festival
din tara care imbina arta cu aviatia. Pe parcursul celor 3 zile participantii
s-au putut bucura de salturi cu parasuta, planorism si acrobatii aviatice. Deasemenea
au avut loc spectacole de teatru, concerte, expozitii de picture, sculptura,
fotografie si creatii handmade. Printre artistii care au performat s-a aflat si
trupa Subcarpati pe care o ador si care au facut deliciul serii de sambata.
Am ales o tinuta rock formata dintr-o pereche de pantaloni
scurti din piele ecologica, bocanci, un tricou negru asimetric, un colier bold
si o palarie. Inedita a fost coafura mea, desi de foarte multe ori am avut parul
ondulat/ bucle niciodata nu l-am avut atat de cret. Si cu atat mai mult a
meritat efortul cu cat a rezistat 3 zile, 3 zile in care am primit complimente
cu carul ;)
Va imbratisez cu drag!