I love stripes especially for tops, thanks to Coco Fashion for their introduction in fashion, for me stripes are an evergreen. Incidentally today's outfit is made to be inspired by the style of the great designer Coco Chanel, the classic striped blouse, pearls chains, capri jeans and a pair of red stiletto. Throughout the existence of the blog I wore stripes in different combinations that you can review here, here and here, and yet my inspiration did not end hence I'm preparing some others future posts where the classy striped will be the star.
Hug you all with love!
Iubesc dungile mai ales la top-uri, multumesc Coco pentru
introducerea lor in moda, pentru mine sunt un evergreen. De altfel si tinuta de
astazi se vrea a fi inspirata din stilul consacrat al creatoarei Coco Chanel,
clasica bluza in dungi , siragul de perle, o pereche de jeansi capri si o pereche
de stiletto rosi. De-a lungul existentei blogului am purtat dungile in diferite
combinatii pe care le puteti revedea aici, aici si aici, iar inspiratia mea nu
s-a sfarsit astfel ca pregatesc si alte postari in care vedetele sa fie stilatele
Va imbratisez cu drag!