This skirt is so old I do not even remember since I have it, but every year I rediscover it and reinvent it. It is so versatile, the pleats which are so in fashion this year gives a vintage air and makes it very ladylike , the metallic inserts add preciousness and the high waist gives femininity and elegance. It can be worn in multiply combinations classic, glam, rock or Boohoo style. In my typical style I have chosen the rock -chic style in which I feel the most comfortable and which represents me so bad. I marked the waist with a belt having metal elements which comes around twice (if I struggled a bit I think goes 3 times :) ) a plain white t-short; just between you and me we I have developed an obsession for white t- shirts I never feel like I have enough so I don't miss any opportunity to buy more and more of these. A XL bag for day time in which I have thousand of things, my bags weighed a ton, I'm carrying all sorts of things in the idea that "maybe I might need" and often I do not use anything of them. Lots of bracelets and the biker jacket which is a must have in general and a signature when comes to rock-chic outfits.
Till the next time I let you relax with this track that I rediscovered by chance.
Hug you all with love!
Aceasta fusta este atat de veche de nici eu nu mai stiu de cand o am, insa in fiecare an o redescopar si o reinventez. Este atat de versatila, pliseurile care se poarta atat de tare anul asta dau un aer vintage si foarte ladylike, insertiile metalice adauga pretiozitate, iar talia inalta confera feminitate si eleganta. Ea poate fi purtat in combinatii atat clasice, glam, rock sau boohoo. In stilul meu caracteristic am ales o tot stilul rock/ chic in care ma simt cel mai bine si care ma reprezinta atat de tare. Am marcat talia cu o curea cu elemente metalice care ma cuprinde de 2 ori (daca ma chinui un pic cred ca merge si de 3 ori :) ) un t-short simplu alb; intre noi fie vorba am dezvoltat o adevarata obsesie pentru tricouri albe simt ca niciodata nu am suficiente astfel ca nu ratez nici o ocazie de a-mi cumpara altele si altele. O geanta XL de zi in care am o suta si o mie de lucruri, gentile mele cantaresc o tona, car tot felul de lucruri in ideea in care "poate o sa-mi trebuiasca" si de cele mai multe ori nu folosesc mai nimic din ele. Multe bratari si geaca de biker care este un must have in general si o semnatura in tinutele rock-chic.
Pana data viitoare va las sa va relaxati cu aceasta piesa pe care am redescoperit-o intamplator.
Va imbratisez cu drag!