Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Beige coat

Palton bej

We are enjoying as much as we can the autumn and the sunny days until the ruthless winter comes. I is still find it hard to let go my sandals and stiletto shoes in fact I believe they can be valued even more pairing it with a poncho, cardigan or coat. The beige coat from the picture you could see it on different occasions as is one of my favorites, is very versatile and I love it's bias cut.
The cold season is still at the beginning, and if you couldn't find yet your ideal coat is the solution, guaranteed it will cover all style tastes.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"The wolf changes his coat,
but not his disposition"
                                                                                                                                    - Proverb

Ne bucuram cat mai putem de toamna si de zilele insorite pana nu vine nemiloasa iarna. Inca imi este greu sa ma despart de sandale si pantofi, ba chiar consider ca pot fi puse si mai mult in evidenta in asociere cu un poncho, cardigan sau palton. Paltonul din imagine l-ati putut vedea si cu alte ocazii, fiind unul dintre preferatele mele, este foarte versatil si ii ador croiala pe bie.
Sezonul rece este inca la inceput, iar daca inca nu v-ati gasit paltonul ideal recomand cu incredere , garantat veti gasi pe toate gusturile.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 22 October 2015


Geaca de piele

After a long absence I returned with fresh forces together with the first post from this fall. 
I never ever thought that I would like to wear sneakers, office trousers and leather jacket all together, for me this was rather an outfit for a Sunday walk at the countryside back in the days. Based on the quote never say never I come to love such a mix, stylized a bit it looks cool, fresh and urban. It is practical, comfortable and perfect for a day to day wear, for evening putting on a pair of stilettos and a statement necklace turns into a perfect cocktail look.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Iasi with love!

Dupa o lunga perioada de absenta am revenit cu forte proaspete si odata cu ele si prima postare din aceasta toamna. 
Nu m-am gandit vreodata ca imi va placea sa port pantaloni la dunga cu adidasi si geaca de piele, fiind mai curand o tinuta de duminica de iesit “pi șentru” in mediul rural post decembrist. Pe principiul ca niciodata sa nu spui niciodata uite ca am ajuns sa ador o astfel de combinatie, stilizata putin arata cool, fresh si urban. Este practica, confortabila si de efect perfecta pentru zi ci zi iar, pentru seara cu o pereche de stiletto si un colier statement se transforma intr-o tinuta perfecta pentru un cocktail.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Pantaloni gri

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Sex and the city strikes again

Samantha Jones look

"Hello my name is Fabulous"
                                         - Samantha Jones

From "get the look" series, after Look à la Carrie Bradshaw now it's Samantha Jones turn. Being I love so much the 4 ladies outfits in Sex and the City 2 I feel like reproducing them all but, I might stop here.
In these photos I wear a lycra jumpsuit which is quite "sensitive" in terms that the smallest drop of water is turning into a stain not to mention about how long it takes to iron it, but it looks stunning on tanned skin. The jacket I got it from ZARA about three years ago more or less, is cotton made and is perfect for summer days. I always liked to complete this jacket with this safari belt though sometimes I let it  simply "free" as here.
From Romania with love!
'till next time stay fashion!

Monday, 14 September 2015




Hello my dears, it's been a while since I posted the last recipe. Although initially I wanted to only publish "quick cook" recipes or very light in terms of calories I could not hold myself not to share with you this delicious rice recipe inspired from the oriental cuisine. Surely your guests will be delighted!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Sport & Fresh

Sport fashion

Some years ago I would not have thought in no way I'll ever wear sports pants with heels. It looks the perceptions can be changed even more when it comes to fashion preferences. In this outfit I paired the sport pants, a plain t-shirt, gladiator heels sandals, a sequins vest with gives more personality to the outfit and a sequins hat that in general is being hated by the people around even so I love it :). The envelope I got it for my birthday from a good friend of mine, it was love at first sight which is why you will see in other posts as well .
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Acum ceva ani in urma nu m-as fi gandit ca voi purta vreo data pantaloni sport cu tocuri. Uite insa ca perceptiile se mai schimba cu atat mai mult cand e vorba de preferintele vestimentare. In aceasta tinuta am imbinat pantalonii sport cu un t-shirt simplu, o pereche de sandale gladiator cu toc, o vesta cu paiete pentru a da un plus de personalitate tinutei si o caciula tot din paiete pe care in general lumea o uraste dar pe care eu o ador :). Plicul l-am primit de ziua mea de la o buna prietena, a fost dragoste la prima vedere/ purtare asa incat il veti vedea si in alte postari.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Iasi teatru

Monday, 31 August 2015

Look à la Carrie Bradshaw

Maria is on fashion
Because their style will never die thanks to one of the most talented and surprising stylist, Patricia Field. As I promised few posts ago today I prepared an outfit "Get The Look"  kind, inspired by the one and only Carrie Bradshaw interpreted by Sarah Jessica Parker.
The idea pop up in my mind as soon as I came across this forgotten dress in the back of the dressing, I must admit at the time when the dress was made the inspiration came from Gwyneth Paltrow and not from Carrie Bradshaw. Because lately my turbans are getting multiplied all together fit perfectly with these wonderful sandals which I get them for my birthday and I literally feel I want to sleep wearing them so much I adore them!
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"I like my money right
where I can see it ...
hanging in my closet."
                                                - Carrie Bradshaw
Pentru ca stilul lor nu va muri niciodata si asta datorita unuia dintre cei mai talentati si surprinzatori stilisti, Patricia Field. 
Asa acum am promis cateva postari in urma azi am pregatit o tinuta gen "Get the look" inspiratia fiind nimeni alta decat Carrie Bradshaw interpretata de Sarah Jessica Parker.
Ideea mi-a venit imediat ce am dat peste aceasta rochie uitata de ceva vreme in dulap, trebuie sa recunosc totusi ca la vremea cand a fost facuta inspiratia a venit de la Gwyneth Paltrow si nu de la Carrie Bradshaw. Si cum in ultima perioada turbanele mele fac pui totul s-a potrivit de minune cu aceste minunate sandale pe care le-am primit de ziua mea si cu care imi vine sa dorm la propriu. Atat de mult le ador!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Carrie Bradshaw look
"Shopping is my cardio."
                                                 - Carrie Bradshaw

Monday, 24 August 2015

Bride to be

I'm happy to announce a new cooperative business partnership with Aisle Style. The company sells wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses and other special occasion dresses and has earned a good reputation all over the world. Having a closer look at theirs items I was pleasantly surprised to discover they have best price guarantee and best quality.
They offer FREE shipping for orders over £200, also £5 coupons for Sign up. On the below I made a brief selection from each category, I did my best to cover all tastes and styles in matter of cuts and dress design. 
This website is worth to be check as they have so many items which are literally stunning, personal I spent few hours on it. I just couldn’t favor any being they have so many gorgeous models and, are covering a large color pallet too. Because so many of you asked me about my yellow dress I wore it as a bridesmaid but at the time I did not know about this website now I recommend with all my confidence that Aisle Style is the best choice.
The weddings season is not over yet so you girls still have time to purchase your dream dress and be unique for the reception! Soon the New Year will knock at the door so you better have the dress ready; the champagne is on the house!
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Sunt fericita sa anunțe un nou parteneriat de colaborare cu Aisle Style. Compania vinde rochii de mireasa, rochii de domnisoara de onoare si alte rochii de ocazi speciale si-a castigat o buna reputație in intreaga lume. La o privire mai atenta asupra produselor lor am fost placut surprinsa sa descopera ca au cel mai bun preț garantat si cea mai buna calitate.
Se ofera transport gratuit pentru comenzi de peste 200 de £, de asemenea £ 5 cupoan la inregistrare. Mai jos am facut o scurta selecție din fiecare categorie de produse, am incercat sa acopar toate gusturile si stilurile in materie de croieli si design.
Acest site merita vizitat avand atat de multe produse care sunt literalmente superbe, personal am petrecut cateva ore bune. Pur si simplu nu am putut favoriza nici o piesa dat fiind faptul ca au atat de multe modele care iti taie respiratia acoperind totodata a variata paleta de culori. Pentru ca multe dintre voi ma-ti intrebat despre rochia mea galbena pe care am purtat-o ca domnisooara de onoare, dar la momentul respectiv nu știam despre acest site acum recomand cu toata increderea Aisle Style ca fiind cea mai buna alegere.
Sezonul nuntilor nu este inca terminat asa ca fetelor inca mai aveti timp sa va cumparati rochia de vis in care sa straluciti la petrecere! In curand Revelionul va bate la usa si ar fi bine sa va prinda cu rochia in dulap; sampania este din partea casei!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Monday, 17 August 2015

Summer festivals

Festival outfit

Because we are in the middle of festivals season(Summer Well, Summer  Fest, Untold, Kudos Fest) I'm coming with another festival look proposal. In order to have freedom of movement when it comes to festival looks I personally prefer backpacks or messenger bag with fringes. Although I opted for a pair of heeled sandals when it comes to festivals or concerts on the grass I would recommend boots, sneakers or flat gladiator sandals.

Today's outfit is composed of a pair of sort jeans that it becomes my addiction; I wore in all sorts of combinations from glam area to beach attire with flip flops, striped t-shirt, twigs  bag and Fedora hat. A wide top and a cowboy hat so much needed in the hot days that we will soon really missed them.
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"Cock your hat 
angles are your attitudes."
                                                 - Frank Sinatra

Pentru ca suntem in plin sezon de festivaluri (Summer Well, Summer  Fest, Untold, Kudos Fest) vin cu inca o propunere de festival look. Pentru a avea libertate de miscare cand vine vorba de festival look eu personal prefer rucsacurile sau gentile tip postas cu franjuri. Desi eu am optat pentru o pereche de sandale cu toc in cazul festivalurilor sau concertelor pe iarba as recomanda mai curand ghete, bocanci, tenesi sau sandale gladiator cu talpa joasa.

Tinuta de azi este compusa dintr-o pereche de sorts de care am devenit dependenta si pe care ii tot port in tot felul de combinatii de la zona de glam pana la zona de tinute de plaja cu slapi, t-shirt cu dungi, geanta de nuiele si o palarie Fedora. Un top lejer si palaria cowboy atat de necesara in zilele toride de care curand ne va fi tare dor.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

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