Hello my dears, it's been a while since I posted the last recipe. Although initially I wanted to only publish "quick cook" recipes or very light in terms of calories I could not hold myself not to share with you this delicious rice recipe inspired from the oriental cuisine. Surely your guests will be delighted!
One mention .. though the recipe requires basmati rice I used the regular one, maybe next time I will be more conscientious.
1 cup green lentils
1 cup basmati rice
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
one and a half teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon cracked black peppercorns
4 medium red onions, julienne sliced
1/2 cinnamon stick
Both lentils and rice should be washed in several waters till the point where lentils are peeled off and the rice until the water is clean. I also leave the rice for about 40 minutes in salted water to enlarge it's volume.
Then boil the lentils al dente at a low heat and also boil the rice in a separate pot after you toast it for 3-4 min in a few tablespoons of olive oil. For the rice boiled it a double it's quantity of water (in this case 1 cup of rice for 2 cups of water), is very important to setup the heat at low level also do not shake. After boiled the rice should be mixed with the lentils and half of the caramelized onion quantity and leave them covered for some extra steaming.
In a pan put the remaining olive oil, the pepper and the cumin for about 2 minutes moving the pan from time to time then we can add the onion and some salt. We should stir often so the onion will not stick to the pan and also splash some water for the onion to become more soft, at some point in this process we can add the cinnamon for some extra flavor. The whole process takes between 15 to 20 minutes. You'll know the onion is ready after it acquires a brownish color and by the crispiness on some onion strips. Half the amount we mix it with the rice and lentils and the rest we keep it for decoration.
Serving Suggestions:
- yogurt
- pickles
- fish
- chicken
From Romania with love!
Buna dragele mele, a trecut ceva timp decand nu am mai postat nici o reteta. Desi initial imi propusesem sa ma axez doar pe retete rapide si foarte light din punct de verede caloric nu m-am putut abtine sa nu impart cu voi aceasta delicioasa reteta de orez inspirata din bucataria orientala. Cu siguranta musafirii vostri vor fi foarte incantati!
Mentionez ca desi reteta cere orez basmatic eu am folosit orez normal, poate data viitoare voi fi mai constincioasa.
1 cana linte verde
1 cana orez basmati
1/2 ulei de masline extra virgin
o lingutita jumatate de seminte de chime
1/2 lingurita piper macinat
4 cepe rosi medi, taiate julienne
1/2 betisor de scortisoara
Atat lintea cat si orezul trebuie spalate in mai multe ape, in cazul lintei pana scapam de aproape toate cojile iar orezul pana isi pierde amidonul si ramane apa curata. Eu orezul il las cam aprox 40 min in apa cu sare astfel se mai mareste putin.
Fierbeti lintea al dente la foc mic, iar intr-o oala separata fierbeti orezul dupa ce l-ati calit un pic in prealabil in cateva linguri de ulei de masline. La fierberea orezului eu pun o parte orez si doua apa, nu mestec deloc si setez focul aragazului la mic. Dupa ce a fiert amestecam orezul cu lintea si o parte din ceapa caramelizata si le mai lasam acoperite cu un capac la inabusit.
Intr-o tigaie punem uleiul ramas, piperul si chimenul pentru aproximativ 2 minute miscand tigaia din cand in cand dupa care adaugam si ceapa. Mestecam continu pentru a nu se prinde ceapa de tigaie si eventual punem si foarte putina apa astfel cepa va fi mai moale si tot in cadrul acestui proces putem adauga si scortosoara pentru un plus de aroma. Tot procesul dureaza intre 15- 20 minute. O sa va dati seama cand ceapa este gata dupa ce aceasta capata o culoare maronie unele fasii devenind chiar crocante. Jumatate din cantitate o amestecam cu orezul si lintea iar restul o pastram pentru decorare.
Sugestii de servire:
- iaurt
- muraturi
- peste
- pui
Pofta buna!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Photography by me
Superba reteta!Eu fiind din Israel o prepar destul de des...face parte din bucataria noastra!!Imi place blogul tau ai stil,si esti dragutza!
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Angelica pentru apreciere si sper sa mai revi pe blogul meu :)