Showing posts with label Accessories Atmosphere & Essenza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accessories Atmosphere & Essenza. Show all posts

Thursday, 22 October 2015


Geaca de piele

After a long absence I returned with fresh forces together with the first post from this fall. 
I never ever thought that I would like to wear sneakers, office trousers and leather jacket all together, for me this was rather an outfit for a Sunday walk at the countryside back in the days. Based on the quote never say never I come to love such a mix, stylized a bit it looks cool, fresh and urban. It is practical, comfortable and perfect for a day to day wear, for evening putting on a pair of stilettos and a statement necklace turns into a perfect cocktail look.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Iasi with love!

Dupa o lunga perioada de absenta am revenit cu forte proaspete si odata cu ele si prima postare din aceasta toamna. 
Nu m-am gandit vreodata ca imi va placea sa port pantaloni la dunga cu adidasi si geaca de piele, fiind mai curand o tinuta de duminica de iesit “pi șentru” in mediul rural post decembrist. Pe principiul ca niciodata sa nu spui niciodata uite ca am ajuns sa ador o astfel de combinatie, stilizata putin arata cool, fresh si urban. Este practica, confortabila si de efect perfecta pentru zi ci zi iar, pentru seara cu o pereche de stiletto si un colier statement se transforma intr-o tinuta perfecta pentru un cocktail.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Pantaloni gri

Thursday, 4 September 2014


Because today was a sunny day lead me to believe that autumn can wait and I hope to keep it this way for very long time. Between us, being such a beautiful weather I had no mood for work I would preferred to have a walk or sit and relax to a terrace enjoying a frappe. But because things are not as we wish every time, I complied.
Today's outfit is an urban interpretation of safari styleI combined a pair of  camouflage print trousers with a flax jacket and regarding the accessories I  chose some having Africans motifs. I let you guys enjoy the joyful song and admiring my pictures.
Hug you all with love!

Pentru ca azi a fost o zi cu mult soare ma determina sa cred ca toamna mai poate astepta si mai sper eu sa o tina mult si bine asa. Intre noi fie vorba fiind o vreme atat de frumoasa nu am avut nici o dispozitie pentru munca as fi preferat mai degraba sa fac o plimbare sau sa stau sa ma relaxes la o terasa savurand un frappe. Insa cum lucrurile nu stau de fiecare data cum ne-am dori noi m-am conformat.
Tinuta de azi reprezinta o interpretare urbana a stilului safari. Am combinat o pereche de pantaloni cu print camuflaj cu un sacou de in, iar in ceea ce priveste accesoriile am optat pentru unele cu motive africane. Va las acum sa va bucurati de aceasta melodie joviala si de asemenea sa-mi admirati si apreciati tinuta.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 23 June 2014

Dancing dots

In tune with today's outfit I find interesting to make a journey in the history of polka dots skirt.The beginning of the polka dots lasting role in fashion history  it was in the 20th century. In 1928, Mickey Mouse's female companion, Minnie, was born in the Walt Disney illustration studio dressed in a polka dot skirt, a trademark of the animated icon.
Some people associate polka dots with Venezuelan fashion designer Carolina Herrera, who used polka dots on most of her dresses during the late 80s and early 90s, but the French designer Coco Chanel favoured dots in the 1920s and then during the 1940's and '50s, the polka dot graced the gowns of female celebrities from Marilyn Monroe to Elizabeth Taylor, during the same time period Christian Dior began to release his notable hourglass dresses in spotted prints.
Yet, the 1950s was the polka dots biggest decade and the polka dot pattern has been often associated with the 50’ ever since, the 1980s were the decade of polka dot accessories.
The term "polka dot" first appeared in the 1880s when both the dots and the dance were especially popular, traditionally polka dots were used in the clothing of flamenco dancers and performers.
In 2006, polka dot skirtsdressesscarves and tops became a fad in the United Kingdom. These days we can include it in the pin-up style.
Hug you all <3

In ton cu tinuta de astazi gasesc interesant sa facem un periplu in istoria fustei "polka" cu buline. Inceputul rolului bulinelor in istoria modei a fost in secolul XX. In 1928, partenera lui Mickey Mouse, Minnie, a prins viata in studiourile Walt Disney fiind imbracata intr-o fusta polka cu buline, devenita marca comerciala a pictogramei animate.
Unii atribuie bulinele designer- ului de moda venezuelean Carolina Herrera, care a folosit buline pe cele mai multe dintre rochiile ei la sfarsitul anilor '80 si inceputul anilor '90, defapt designerul francez Coco Chanel a folosit materiale cu buline mai devreme, in 1920 iar, mai apoi in anii '50 respectiv '40, bulinele au aparut pe rochiile unor celebritati ca  Marilyn Monroe si  Elizabeth Taylor, in aceeasi perioada de timp Christian Dior a inceput sa creeze rochiile cu o crioala de tip clepsidra cu acelasi imprimeu cu buline.
Cu toate acestea, anii '50 sunt considerati a fi deceniul bulinelor iar, modelul de polka cu buline a ramas in istorie ca fiind reprezentativa perioadei anilor 50 ", iar anii '80 s-au remarcat ca fiind perioada accesoriilor cu buline.
Termenul de "buline polka", a aparut pentru prima data in anii '80, cand atat dansul cat si bulinele au fost deosebit de populare.In mod traditional, bulinele au fost utilizate ca imprimeu al hainelor dansatorilor de flamenco si al artistilor interpreti.
In 2006, fuste "polka" cu buline, rochii, esarfe si topuri au redevenit un trend in Marea Britanie. Astazi il putem include in stilul pin-up.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Friday, 20 June 2014

Linden scent

Today's shooting was a real delighting for the senses leaving myself enveloped by the scent of lime flowers. The choose outfit is a simple one, a casual one for daily wear. The elements whose giving a touch to the outfit is represented by the waistcoat, in any outfit that we add a blazer, a cardigan, a vest, a cape, a tailor or a jacket you will notice how the thing turns from something common into something with personality, with style.
Hug you all <3

Shootingul de astazi a fost o adevarata desfatare pentru simturi lasandu-ma invaluita de mireasma florilor de tei. Tinuta aleasa este una simpla, casual ce poate fi purtata de zi cu zi. Elementul care face tinuta completa este vesta, de altfel in orice tinuta la care adaugam un blazer, un cardigan, o vesta, o capa, un sacou sau o geaca veti observa cum din ceva banal se transforma in ceva cu personalitate, cu stil.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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