Friday, 11 December 2015

Leather skirt

Geanta chanel

I took these photos when we could still enjoy some "decent" temperatures. The outfit is not a very polished one, it is rather relaxed with a youngish air. When it comes to leather miniskirts, tight miniskirts or just miniskirts it is very important how we choose the other items that makes the outfit so we won't fall into the other extreme.
Because I chose a leather miniskirt which is also tight and I pair it with high sandals I balanced the outfit with a checkered shirt who doesn't follow the body line also rejoicing the "usefulness" of most buttons. Makeup and hairstyle is not prominent is quite natural, too natural I would say. I'll also wear the skirt with a t-shirt or an oversized  sweater or a cardigan.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"All you need is 
                              - The limited

Am facut fotografiile astea cand inca ne mai puteam bucura de niste temperaturi "decente". Tinuta nu este una foarte studiata, este mai curand relaxata avand un aer tineresc. In general cand vine vorba de fuste scurte din piele, fuste scurte mulate sau fuste scurte si atat este foarte important cum alegem celelalte piese care compun tinuta pentru ca putem cadea foarte usor in extrema cealalta. 
Pentru ca am ales o fusta scurta din piele care mai este si mulata impreuna cu o pereche de sandale foarte inalte am contra balansat cu o camasa in carouri care nu urmareste linia corpului bucurandu-ma totodata de "utilitatea" majoritatii nasturilor. Machiajul nu este unul proeminent iar coafura este cat se poate de naturala, prea naturala as spune eu. As mai purta fusta fie cu un tricou lejer, fie cu un pulover supradimensional, fie cu un cardigan.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Chanel bag

Friday, 4 December 2015

Ladies in fashion event

Fashion blogger
A series of events began with a first fashion & beauty event called Ladies in fashion, that took place yesterday at Palas Mall at Quartz Lounge - Caffe Pasticceria Gelateria Italiano. The host was the beautiful and unique, fashion blogger Daniela Macsim. She shared with us the secrets of the perfect outfit for the special night of new years eve depending on the location. During the event, wine lovers had the opportunity to taste some fine wines from the estate of the Mosia Tohani together with the sommelier Cristian Budaca from which we found interesting information. We also enjoyed a make-up session with the makeup artist Laura Buturca, she shared with us some secrets of her profession since she convinced me I highly recommend her, you can find her at The Mirror.
The special thanks goes to Alexandra Avram for inviting me to the event and also to Quarz Lounge coffee place for the atmosphere and for having the initiative in organizing this event I wish them many others events as such.
I chose to wear for this occasion an ecological leather skirt, mixed up with a white shirt with frills which I accessorized it with a silver cameo and a short jacket made by myself. The main focus are the lace stockings and the black and white shoes from Poema.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Quartz Lounge - Caffe, Pasticeria e Gelateria Italiano au inceput seria evenimentelor fashion & beauty cu un prim eveniment intitulat Ladies in fashion care a avut loc ieri la Palas Mall. Gazda evenimentului a fost frumoasa si inedita bloggetita de moda Daniela Macsim care ne-a impartasit din secretele unei tinute perfecte pentru noaptea speciala dintre ani in functie de locatie. Pe parcursul evenimentului iubitorii de vin au avut ocazia sa deguste vinuri alese de la Mosia de la Tohani impreuna somelierul Cristian Budaca de la care am aflat informatii interesante.  Totodata am avut parte si de o sesiune de make-up realizata de catre make-up artist Laura Buturca, care ne-a impartasit din secretele meseriei ei si pe care o recomand cu caldura si pe care o puteti gasi la The Mirror.
Vreau sa-i multumesc in mod deosebit pentru invitatia la eveniment Alexandrei Avram si cafenelei Quarz Lounge pentru atmosfera in care ne-a primit si pentru initiativa avuta si sa le urez pe aceasta cale la cat mai multe de acest gen.
Am ales sa port cu aceasta ocazie o fusta din piele ecologica, in combinatie cu o camasa alba cu volanase pe care am accesorizat-o cu o camee din argint si un sacou scurt facut de mine. Accentul principal sunt dresurile de dantela si pantofii alb cu negru de la Poema.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Vin alb

Bloggheritele prezente la eveniment si pe care vi le recomand sa le cititi sunt/ Bloggers who also attend at the event and that I recommend you read are:

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

National Day

National day

On 1st of December is the National Day of Romania so I decided to wear an outfit with traditional elements. I chose this artificial fur vest just because it looks like the Romanian traditional vests and complements the traditional hand made waistband , insertions of the shirt and the hair braids. I confess that I am a big fan of artificial fur vests, already have four and plan to purchase the 5th one. Fake fur vests can be worn starting with early fall and ending with spring, it lends itself easily to different outfits, so come well worn over the t-shirt, shirt, sweater, silk or knitted dresses and over the classic leather jacket.
You can find a wide range of designs, colors and textures
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Astazi este ziua nationala a Romaniei asa ca am decis sa pregetesc o tinuta cu elemente traditionale. Am optat pentru aceasta vesta de blana artificiala tocmai pentru ca duce cu o bundita venind in completarea braului, a insertiilor de pe camasa si a impletiturii. Marturisesc ca sunt mare fan al vestelor din blana artificiala, detin deja 4 si planuiesc sa o achizitionez si pe a 5-a. Pot fi purtate incepand cu toamna devreme si sfarsind cu primavera, se preteaza usor la diferite tinute, vin bine purtate atat peste tricou, camasa, pulover, rochii de matase sau tricotate cat si peste clasica geaca de piele.
Puteti gasi o gama variata de modele, culori si texture pe
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Romanian national day

Friday, 27 November 2015

Bohemian French style


Hello my dears! Today's outfit lead my thoughts to the Parisian bohemian streets, to the freelancer painters from the side of the Seine River, the butter croissant with a latte at one of the terraces of Saint Germain Boulevard accompanied by the subtle accordion arrangements.
The jacket is one of the best investments I ever made, the classic plaids with patches on the elbows, purchased some years ago from Zara. The dress is from Molly Bracken, a French brand, made of a fine lace I recently found it in an outlet. Although it has a medium length and an asymmetric cut with a little imagination I adjusted it to fit the length of the jacket. The bonnet is the leitmotif, adding an extra effect plus an extra bohemian note to the outfit.
Until next time stay in fashion!
From Romania with love!

"Paris is always 
a good idea"
                                     - Audrey Hepburn 

Buna dragele mele! Tinuta de azi ma duce cu gandul la boemul stradutelor pariziene, la pictorii clandestini de pe malul Senei, la croissantul cu unt acompaniat de o cafea latte la una dintre terasele de pe bulevartul Saint Germain in acorduri subtile de acordeon.
Sacoul este una dintre cele mai bune investitii pe care le-am facut, clasicele caroruri cu petice in coate, achizitionat acum ceva ani de la Zara. Rochia de la Molly Bracken, o marca frantuzeasca, confectionata dintr-o dantela foarte fina  am gasit-o recent intr-un outlet. Desi are o lungime medie si o croiala asimetrica cu putina imaginatie am ajustat-o pentru a se potrivi lungimii sacoului. Boneta este laitmotivul tinutei dand un plus de efect si o nota in plus de boem.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Rochie dantela

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Knee rip jeans

Rip jeans
What do you think about the jeans with knee "view" ? I personally adore them, I remember my first pair of this type of jeans it happens to be somewhere around the high school time despite of my parents and especially my grandparents opinion who strongly believed I spoil goodness of trousers :) I confess however, that I would not invest in such a pair preferring the more practical option of DIY  "sacrificing" an older pair of jeans in the name of fashion.
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Ce parere aveti despre jeansi cu "vedere" la genunchi? Eu personal ii ador, imi aduc aminte de prima mea pereche de astfel de jeansi, se intampla unde prin liceu spre disperarea parintilor si mai ales a bunicilor in opinia carora stricasem bunatate de pantaloni :) Marturisesc totusi, ca nu as investi intr-o astfel de pereche de pantaloni preferand varianta mult mai practica aceea de a "sacrifica" o pereche mai vechi in numele modei.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Oversize sweater

Pulover rosu
Recently I bought an oversize, red sweater from an outlet; I had few oversize sweaters but never a red one hence it was love at first sight. I personally prefer to wear these items as a dress, simple, or with an oversize shirt underneath. I like two length: medium (like the one I’m wearing it in the photos) and the knee length, especially I love it paired with either knee boots or over the knee boots. In winter I find this kind of sweaters indispensable being the best choice from stylistic and cosiness point of view.
You can find a wide range of colours and patterns of oversize sweaters on Time is so precious nowadays why lose it 'Browsing' for hours even days looking for your ideal piece of clothing? do that for you, here you can find gathered together a finest selection of what on-line shops offers.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Recent am achizitionat dintr-un outlet acest pullover oversize, rosu; am tot avut pulovere oversize dar niciodata rosu asa incat a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Eu personal prefer sa port astfel de piese pe post de rochii fie simple fie cu o camasa pe dedesupt de asemenea oversize. Imi plac atat cele de lungime medie (precum cel din fotografii) cat si cele pana la genunchi si mai ales le ador in combinatie cu cizme fie ele pana la genunchi sau peste genunchi. In sezonul rece acest gen de pulovere mi se par indispensabile fiind cea mai buna alegere atat stylistic vorbind cat si pentru confortul termic.
Puteti gasi o gama foarte variata de culori si modele pe pulovere oversize pe Timpul fiind atat de pretios in zilele noastre de ce sa-l irosim “rasfoind” ore poate chiar zile in cautarea piesei vestimentare preferate? face asta pentru voi, aici gasiti adunate la un loc o selectie rafinata din ceea ce ofera  magazinele on-line.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Culture palace

Monday, 16 November 2015

Parka mood

Geaca kaki

I love my new parka jacket, I have another one for spring - autumn season only, but the new one top. Besides being very thick is also having that kind of cut I've been looking for some time. And because the fur is removable the other one is for sale :) if you want to see it again click here and here.
I am so excited about my acquisition that I already prepared two 
outfit with this centerpiece. As you already know I like to invest in some key pieces that later on I can challenge in mind to create different outfits around it.
Until next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Ador noua mea geaca parka, mai am una de primavara toamna, insa asta este top. Pe langa faptul ca este foarte groasa are si acel tip de croiala pe care l-am tot cautat de ceva timp. Si pentru ca blana este detasabila cealalta este la vanzare :) daca doriti sa o revedeti intrati aici si aici.
Sunt atat de incantata de investitie incat am pregatit deja doua tinute cu aceasta piesa centrala. Cum deja v-am obisnuit imi place sa investesc in anumite piese cheie care ulterior sa-mi puna mintea la contributie in a crea diferite tinute in jurul lor.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Fashion tribute to sunny days

Imprimeu floral

I tried as hard as I could to keep the autumn with us for as long as possible but the cold days are rushing into our days.  Hence, I made a last attempt in this regard, today I wear this beautiful silk floral skirt as a tribute to the sun and the green nature. And what could work better than a pair of ankle strap sandals and a denim shirt that "cuts away" the summerish air.
From Iasi with love!
'till next time stay in fashion!

"After women,
flowers are the most 
divine creation"
                              - Christian Dior

Am incercat din rasputeri sa trag de toamna cat mai mult insa zilele racoroase se succed cu repeziciune.  Am facut o ultima incercare in acest sens, purtand azi aceasta minunata fusta de matase inflorata ca un omagiu adus soarelui si naturii inverzite. Si cu ce putea sa mearga mai bine decat cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si o camasa din denim care sa mai "taie" din aerul de vara.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!

Oversize bag

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