Thursday, 23 October 2014

Jones... Indiana Jones

At the photo shooting for today's post I had "fans" as you can see on the background. Although I've asked them to stay on the side the curiosity grind them, so they hardly could stay away but I can say they were funny guys and even more, as us women we like to know that we are admired (even from behind a fence) :). 
This outfit is a distinct comparing to what I'm usually wearing,  is quite close to boohoo- chic style. The hat is a new acquisition and I love it so much that I could sleep with it :)  the skirt I wore it last summer too in a different combination that you can review it here: Dancing dots, the autumnal green cardigan I bought it from an Outlet from Paris and is from Antik Batik, a brand that focuses on items with ethnic inspired design. My favorite piece of the whole outfit and the one for which I care very much is the vintage belt. I ordered it a few years ago from a Romanian website of vintage products called  Vintage BazarI recommend you this website, you will find outstanding products and mostly qualitative. The belt is snake leather, is a very beautiful piece and qualitative but also very sensitive.
Hug you all with love!

La shooting-ul foto pentru postarea de azi am avut spectatori dupa cum se si poate vedea pe fundal. Desi i-am tot rugat sa se dea mai la o parte curiozitatea ii macina atat de tare incat cu greu s-au putut abtine, insa pot spune ca au fost amuzanti baietii si cu atat mai mult cu cat noua femeilor ne place sa stim ca suntem admirate (chiar si de dupa un gard) :).
Tinuta este una aparte comparand cu ceea ce port de obicei, ducand un pic spre stilul boohoo- chic. Palaria este o noua achizitie si o ador imi vine sa si dorm cu ea :), fusta am mai purtat-o si vara trecuta in alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici: Dancing dots, ploverul de un verde tomnatic l-am achizitionat de la un Outlet din Paris si este de la Antik Batik, un brand care pune accent pe design-ul pieselor vestimentare de inspiratie etnica. Piesa mea preferata din toata tinuta si la care tin foarte mult este cureaua vintage pe care am comandat-o acum cativa ani in urma de pe site-ul romanesc de produse vintage Vintage Bazar pe care vi-l recomand si unde veti gasi produse deosebite si in marea lor majoritate calitative. Este din piele de sarpe, este o piesa deosebit de frumoasa si calitativa insa si deosebit de sensibila.
Va imbratisez cu dragoste!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 20 October 2014


This outfit I planned to wear it to an event that took place a week ago and I haven't attend it in the end, so I thought to put the outfit on stage for you now. The basic elements are the simplest ever, a silk white shirt and a black skirt, but the main piece is the authentic belt inspired by the Romanian traditional costumes and the hairstyle inspired by Russian. I love the elements borrowed from the national costumes, especially those of our country, and using them to build a modern outfit, I believe these specials items lend a bohemian, ingenue and a very feminine air.
Hug you all!

Aceasta tinuta imi propusesem sa o port la un eveniment care a avut loc acum o saptamana si la care nu am mai ajuns asa incat m-am gandit sa pun tinuta in scena pentru voi. Elementele de baza sunt cele mai simpliste ever si anume o camasa de matase alba si o fusta neagra insa piesa de rezistenta o reprezinta braul autentic inspirat din portul traditional romanesc si coafura de inspiratie ruseasca. Ador elementele imprumutate din costumele nationale, mai ales cele ale tarii noastre, si incorporate intr-o tinuta moderna, mi se pare ca dau un aer, boem, ingenu si deosebit de feminin.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Chess cubes

The dress is by Helene, a Romanian brand, I purchased a few years ago. It's a very special item for me in terms of design and print, having a sentimental value as well. But I've always kind of avoided to wear it because it’s a little sensitive in terms of the fabric quality. The boots I also have them for a few years, 6 years to be more specific, I purchased them from the Victoria's Secret website and are designed by Colin Stuart. I admit that I haven’t worn them for about 2 years, but at the moment I find them the more beautiful and on trends than ever saw them. At all this, I associate a short white sweater which I purchased from Primark UK, a store that I can't wait to have it here in Romania. The sweater is giving a stylish & chic accent having also a “thermic” purpose considering season.
Hug you all with love!

Rochia este marca Helene, un brand romanesc, am achizitionat-o in urma cu cativa ani. Este o piesa foarte speciala pentru mine atat din punct de vedere al modelului si al printului cat si din punct de vedere al valorii sentimentale. Totusi mereu am cam evitat sa o port deoarece este cam sensibila din punct de vedere al calitatii materialului. Botinele de asemenea le am de cativa ani, vreo 6 la numar ca sa fiu mai exacta, le-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secret si sunt designed by Colin Stuart. Recunosc ca de 2 ani nu le-am mai purtat insa acum le gasesc mai frumoase si mai actuale ca niciodata. La toate astea am asociat un pluover scurt alb pe care l-am cumparat din Primark UK si pe care abia ii astept si la noi. Ploverul dand o nota stylish & chic si nu in ultimul rand avand scop “termic”  luand in considerare  anotimpul.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

 Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

I call it different

I know that again I took a quite long break but I assure you that I had a good reason.... but all's well that ends well J. For today’s post I choose to wear an outfit casual- sport using again the polka dots skirt, because as you have already noticed, I like to use the same piece of clothing in various combinations. This time I mixed this skirt with an office silk shirt and a pair of white sneakers to which I added a pastel pink necklace gift from a good friend. I can say that I felt very comfortable in the office, it is a perfect outfit especially for busy days when you have to get in many places.
Hug you all with love!

Stiu ca din nou am luat o pauza cam lunga insa va asigur ca am avut un motiv serios. ….dar totul e bine cand se termina cu bine J. Am ales pentru astazi o tinuta casual- sport folosindu-ma din nou de aceasta fusta cu buline, pentru ca dupa cum ati observant deja,  imi place sa folosesc aceeasi piesa vestimentara in diferite combinatii. De data aceasta, fusta am combinat-o cu o camasa de matase office si o pereche de tenesi albi la care am adaugat un colier roz pastel primit cadou de la o buna prietena. Pot spune ca m-am simtit foarte confortabil la birou, este o tinuta ideala mai ales pentru zilele aglomerate cand trebuie sa ajungem in foarte multe locuri.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 6 October 2014

September Issue

September was like a passage that makes the transition from summer to fall. In fact in September I was holding the summer "against her will", I simply did not want to let it go, I insisted on wearing summer outfits even if the outside temperatures were not necessarily on my side. Today's post includes all the articles from September and in case you have missed any post, under each photo you will find a link who will direct you to the original article.
Hug you all!

Septembrie a fost ca un pasaj care face trecerea de la vara la toamna. De fapt in Septembrie am tras cu dintii de vara, pur si simplu nu am vrut sa-i dau drumul, sa o lass a plece, m-am incapatanat sa port tinute de vara chiar daca temperaturile de afara nu erau neaparat de partea mea. Post-ul de astazi inglobeaza articolele lunii Septembrie si in caz in care ati omis vreo postare, sub fiecare fotografie aveti link-ul catre articolul original.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Army & print


Coral shades

Pink drops

Sunny sequins

Genius 01

Rock- chic

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