Showing posts with label Sweater Atmosphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweater Atmosphere. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Chess cubes

The dress is by Helene, a Romanian brand, I purchased a few years ago. It's a very special item for me in terms of design and print, having a sentimental value as well. But I've always kind of avoided to wear it because it’s a little sensitive in terms of the fabric quality. The boots I also have them for a few years, 6 years to be more specific, I purchased them from the Victoria's Secret website and are designed by Colin Stuart. I admit that I haven’t worn them for about 2 years, but at the moment I find them the more beautiful and on trends than ever saw them. At all this, I associate a short white sweater which I purchased from Primark UK, a store that I can't wait to have it here in Romania. The sweater is giving a stylish & chic accent having also a “thermic” purpose considering season.
Hug you all with love!

Rochia este marca Helene, un brand romanesc, am achizitionat-o in urma cu cativa ani. Este o piesa foarte speciala pentru mine atat din punct de vedere al modelului si al printului cat si din punct de vedere al valorii sentimentale. Totusi mereu am cam evitat sa o port deoarece este cam sensibila din punct de vedere al calitatii materialului. Botinele de asemenea le am de cativa ani, vreo 6 la numar ca sa fiu mai exacta, le-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secret si sunt designed by Colin Stuart. Recunosc ca de 2 ani nu le-am mai purtat insa acum le gasesc mai frumoase si mai actuale ca niciodata. La toate astea am asociat un pluover scurt alb pe care l-am cumparat din Primark UK si pe care abia ii astept si la noi. Ploverul dand o nota stylish & chic si nu in ultimul rand avand scop “termic”  luand in considerare  anotimpul.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

 Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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