Showing posts with label Leather Leggings ZARA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leather Leggings ZARA. Show all posts

Monday, 21 March 2016

NewAge meets OldSchool

Blana alba
Trough my hobbies I can include the old buildings and bridges, though the second one is the subject of another discussion.
This time the chosen location was the Dosoftei House also called the Arcade House. It is a building built of stone who is dating since 1677 (more or less). Currently is hosting the department of Ancient Literature of Romanian Literature Museum from Iasi. If it were up to me I would take all the picture near to stone walls, ruins, castles, bridges, fortresses and many like that. I am fascinated by ancient architecture, the streets of cobblestone pavements, the maze streets, archaeological sites, mosaics and murals. They represent in my acceptance the definition of beauty.

Going back to the outfit of the day .... I would talk first about my hair. Yes, my hair. I would not say that this kind of hairstyle it fully represents me, the hair bound in a low ponytail and parted in the middle. But I see such a hairstyle elegant, feminine also with a touch of drama and why not. .. is a saving solution when inspiration leaves you.

Printre pasiunile mele se numara si cladirile vechi si podurile, insa cea din urma face subiectul unei alte discutii. Data asta am ales ca locatie Casa Dosoftei numita si Casa cu Arcade. Este o cladire construita din piatra si care dateaza cam de prin anul 1677. In present gazduieste sectia de literatura veche a Muzelului Literaturii Romane din Iasi. Daca ar fi dupa mine m-as poza la toate zidurile din piatra, la toate ruinele, castele, podurile, fortaretele si altele asemenea. Sunt fascinata de arhitectura veche, de stradutele labirint, de pavajele cu piatra cubica, de siturile arheologice, de mozaicuri si picture murale. Acestea reprezentand in acceptiunea mea definitia frumosului.

Revenind la tinuta zilei…. m-as lega mai intai de par. Da, de par. Nu as zice ca ma reprezinta in totalitate acest gen de coafura, parul prins intr-o coada joasa si cu carare pe mijloc. Totusi consider ca o astfel de coafura are eleganta, feminitate si da o nota de dramatism si de ce nu .. este salvatoare cand inspiratia te paraseste.

Photography by  IULIA VEICA
Cercei verzi

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The red gloves

Manusi rosii

I wanted a pair of red gloves since forever, and I finally found them. I highly recommend when it comes to winter jackets to choose colours other than black, grey and brown or to give a boost to the main elements using accessories who come in strong colours. 
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"When in 
doubt, wear 
                                  - Bill Blass

Imi doream o pereche de manusi rosii, lungi de ceva vreme si in sfarsit le-am gasit. Recomand cu tarie alegerea unor haine in sezonul rece si asa auster in alte culori decat negru, gri si maro sau potentarea elementelor principale cu ajutorul unor culori puternice.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Red gloves

Friday, 24 April 2015

A new beginning

I apologize to those who are following my activity because I have't posted for a long time but I had a good reason as I had no photographer, this is one of the drawbacks of being fashion blogger, you must always have someone at your disposal in order to have continuity. But recently I started a new collaboration which I hope will be auspicious :) . 
Today I chose a rock outfit, which, as I previous said is the style that best suits me. I paired  a vest, who's having a similar look like the traditional Romanian vest called "bundita" (for those who are interested to purchase an authentic one I invite you to click here). A silk shirt and a pair of leather trousers . I opted for bold accessories, on gold to complement the brown and a pair of fingerless gloves.
Hug you all with love!

Imi cer scuze celor ce imi urmaresc activitatea ca nu am mai postat de foarte mult timp insa am avut un motiv intemeiat pentru ca am ramas fara fotograf, asta fiind unul dintre neajunsurile bloggingului de fashion, trebuie sa ai mereu pe cineva la dispozitia ta pentru a putea avea continuitate. Insa de curand am inceput o noua colaborare care sper eu sa fie de bun augur.
Azi am ales o tinuta rock, care asa cum am mai spus este stilul care ma reprezinta cel mai bine. Am combinat o vesta in genul bunditei romanesti, iar pentru cei interesati sa achizitioneze una autentica ii invit aici. O camasa de matase si o pereche de pantaloni din piele ecologica. Am optat pentru accesorii bold, aurii care vin in completarea maroului si o pereche de mausi fara degete.  
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Monday, 9 February 2015


I ADORE the fur items!!!!!!!! Whether it a vest, a cape, a coat, a collar, a hat or gloves. Today I chose to wear this beautiful fur coat that I have it for some years and I bought it from Only for you store from Bucharest at a price of 50% off Yey. I very much love the massive and fluffy collar which gives a posh and stylish air. This time I opted for an elegant combination but for a further post I intend to show you a sporty approach. So stay tune
The fur coat and the vintage earrings came in contrast with the casual sweater balancing the outfit and go out of the too "miladyarea. I try to avoid as much as possible exaggerated studied outfits and the "aged" style I'm always opting for youthful combinations even a bit "neglected" outfits, sometime.
I embrace you with love!

ADOR piesele de blana!!!!!!!! Indiferent ca este vorba de vesta, capa, haina, guler, caciula sau manusi. Azi am ales sa port aceasta minunata haina de blana pe care o am de ceva ani si pe care am achizitionat-o de la Only for you din Bucuresti la un pret de 50% off yey. Imi place foarte tare gulerul masiv si pufos care confera un aer posh si stylish. De aceasta data am optat pentru o combinatie mai eleganta insa pe viitor intentionez sa va arat si o abordare mai sport. Asa ca stati pe aproape! 
Haina de blana si cerceii au venit in contrast cu pluoverul casual echilibrand astfel tinuta si iesind din zona de “cucoana”. Incerc sa evit pe cat posibil tinutele exagerat de studiate si aerul batrancios optand mereu pentru combinatii tineresti poate usor chiar neglijente.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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