Monday, 23 February 2015

Asymmetric cardigan

Let's welcome the end of February! Moving with small but sure steps towards long-awaited spring. I can not wait any longer for the long days of summer pampered by the sunshine. Today is even a more special day because I reviewed a dear friend who I haven't seen him in while. I am also very excited knowing that next week I will travel to a well deserved vacation in a place with lots of sun (and love), but I will tell you more at the right moment.
Now, let's go back to the outfit chosen for today. It all started with the hat, which is a slightly atypical, it rather look more like a "clop" from Maramures area (a Romanian area) but, I just love it. I chose to keep it simple so I adapted the hat in my own interpretation of urban style. I look forward to your opinions and comments regarding the outfit. Also stay tuned for the next post whose main focus will be the lace stockings.
Hug you all with love!

Bun venit sfarsit de luna Februarie! Ne indreptam cu pasi mici dar siguri catre mult asteptata primavara. Eu una abia astept zilele lungi de vara alintate de soare. Ziua de astazi este cu atat mai speciala pentru ca am revazut un prieten drag pe care nu-l mai vazusem de ceva vreme. Totodata sunt foarte incantata deoarece saptamana viitoare voi merge intr-o bine meritata vacanta intr-un loc cu mult soare, dar mai multe va voi povesti la momentul respectiv. 
Acum sa revenim la tinuta aleasa pentru azi. Totul a pornit de la palarie, care este una usor atipica duce mai degraba cu un clop maramuresean insa mie imi place foarte tare. Am ales sa "keep it simple" asa ca am adaptat palaria intr-o interpretare a "urban style". Astept cu nerabdare parerile si comantariile voastre legate de tinuta. Deasemenea stati aproape pentru urmatoarea postare a carui focus pricipal vor fi ciorapii de dantela :). 
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN


  1. This street look is really sexy and chic. <3

    Stay in Style,
    Karen @

  2. You look great !!! Beautiful hat and shoes!!!:P

  3. You look very cool! I like your jacket!


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