Showing posts with label Grey cap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grey cap. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 December 2014

The plaid shirt

As you have noticed already the plaid are back in trends and because I'm a big fan  of this fabric more and more clothing items of this type makes their way into my wardrobe. And as you already know I don't buy clothes that I wear only once today I'm starting a series of several "episodes" in which the "celebrities" will be the plaid pieces. In today's post I chose an urban approach, I associate an oversized red plaid shirt with a pair of ragged jeans, a grey hat, finger-less leather gloves and a waterproof vest so useful in winter time. I also tried an alternative approach without the vest and replacing the finger-less  gloves with a normal pair as I'd like to start showing you two ways of wearing an outfit but, without major differences between the two options.
For today’s song I chose another Romanian singer on his name Alex Velea. Enjoy!
Hug you all with love!

Dupa cum cred ca ati observat deja piesele in carouri au revenit in tendinte si cum ma numar printre fanii carourilor din ce in ce mai multe piese vestimentare de acest gen isi fac loc in garderoba mea. Si cum stiti deja ca nu cumpar haine pe care sa le port doar o data astazi incep o serie de mai multe “episoade” in care vedetele vor fi piesele in carouri. In postarea de astazi am ales o abordare urban, am asociat astfel camasa rosie oversize in carouri cu o pereche de jeans rupti, caciula gri, manusi de piele fara degete si o vesta de fas atat de utila in sezonul rece. Deasemenea am incercat o varianta de abordare fara vesta inlocuind manusile fara degete cu o pereche de manusi normale pentru ca as vrea sa incep, ca in cadrul aceleiasi tinute sa va arat doua  variante de a purta tinuta respectiva insa, fara mari diferente intre cele doua obtiuni.
Pentru postarea de astazi am ales un alt cantaret roman si anume, Alex Velea. Vizionare placuta!
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN


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