Showing posts with label Over knee socks H&M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Over knee socks H&M. Show all posts

Monday, 21 December 2015

Knee socks

If you find it difficult to stay away from summer dresses is no problem there are various ways to wear them in winter as well pair it with a wool jacket, or a fur vest or as the choice I made it choosing an over-sized sweater. With a little creativity and imagination you can build out an outfit that will not go unnoticed. And as the cold generally starts from foot knee socks are the perfect option I "warmly" recommend them literally and figuratively.
Because my photographer can't stay without taking few shoots of the landscape , seeing the result I also can't help myself without posting few for you especially that we do have reasons to be proud of.
Till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

Daca nu reusiti sa va despartiti de rochitele vaporoase de vara nu este nici o problema sunt n variante de a le purta si iarna fie cu un sacou de lana, fie cu o vesta de blana sau precum alegerea de fata cu un pulover supradimensional. Cu putina creativitate si imaginatie o sa va iasa o tinuta care nu va trece neobservata. Si cum frigul in general ne ia de la picioare sosetele lungi sunt optiunea perfecta, le recomand cu caldura si la propriu si la figurat.
Pentru ca fotograful (a) meu (a) insista mereu sa ia si ceteva cadre cu peisajele din zona, cand vad rezultatul nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu postez vreo doua si pentru voi cu atat mai mult ca avem si cu ce ne mandri. 
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Winter's tale

This Christmas "was split" in two places, half at my parents house and the other half at the mountains side with friends. The first part was a relaxing and "plentiful" as I ate all the goodies made by my sweet mother, I did not refrain from anything so I got stuck with some extra pounds. Therefore on the top of the long list of "New year's resolution" is the gym together with waking early :).
At the mountain side the parties were long and the daily activities were many. While staying in Gura Humor though was a short stay I tried to enjoy as much as I could the beauty of the place and snow. The snow sled, the ATV, the mulled wine and radauteana sour soup were the leitmotifs of this holiday.
I wish you a good New Year, good health and as many accomplishments as possible!!!

I embrace you with love!

Craciunul asta “m-am impartit” in doua locuri, o parte la parintii mei si o parte la munte cu prietenii. Prima parte a fost una relaxanta si indestulatoare intrucat am mancat din toate bunatatile facute de dulcea mea mama, nu m-am infranat de la nimic asa incat m-am pricopsit si cu niste kilograme in plus. Deci din lunga lista de “New year's resolution” sala este cap de lista la pachet cu trezitul mai devreme.
La munte petrecerile au fost lungi iar activitatile de peste zi multe. Desi sederea in Gura Humorului a fost una scurta am incercat sa ma bucur cat mai mult de frumusetile locului si de zapada astfel sania, ATV-ul, vinul fiert si ciorba radauteana au fost laitmotivele scurtei vacante.
Va urez un an nou cat mai bun si sa aveti parte de multa sanatate si cat mai multe impliniri!!!

Va imbratisez cu drag!



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