Thursday, 11 December 2014

Lady like

As a test for this post the photo shoot was realized indoor. The result wasn't the best mostly because of my photo camera which is topped by the new technology, but it could have been worse. Who knows, maybe Santa will surprise me with a new device in tune with the times.
The outfit worn today is very feminine, I chose to pair a vintage skirt  with a mustard color low-cut back blouse. The modern emphasis is given by the over knee boots that come very well worn with both: short skirts / dresses and medium length skirts / dresses. The central piece is represented by the vintage watch. I always liked to incorporate into modern outfits some vintage items as they are giving an unique shade and is totally transforming the initial outfit.
Hug you all!

Ca un test pentru aceasta postare am realizat sedinta foto in interior. Rezultatul nu este cel mai fericit si asta din cauza aparatului meu depasit de tehnologie, insa ma consolez cu gandul ca se putea si mai rau cine stie poate ma surprinde mosul cu un nou aparat in ton cu vremurile.
Tinuta purtata astazi este foarte feminina, am ales sa imbin o fusta vintage din stofa cu slit fals in fata si o bluza mustar decoltata la spate. Accentul modern este dat de cizmele peste genunchi care vin foarte bine purtate atat cu fuste/ rochii scurte cat si cu fuste/ rochii de o lungime medie. Piesa centrala este ceasul vintage pe lant. Mereu mi-a placut sa incorporez in tinutele moderne si piese vintage acestea din urma dau un aer aparte si transforma total tinuta.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 8 December 2014

First snow

The first snow just arrived and so the heat of winter holidays, marking the passing of another year. I find it increasingly difficult to take pictures for the blog because with each session I'm freezing more and more but I love what I do so feel it's worth the sacrifice. Because I'm a big fan of hats, something that I mentioned with several occasions before, today I adapted the hat into another outfit (this hat I used it in another combination that you can review it here).
The cardigan is in my opinion one of the basic items that once the cold season is customary, I always carry a spare one with me. Besides its thermic comfort also gives personality to the  outfit transforming it completely.
Now I let you guys to warm your soul with this beautiful song.
Hug you all with love!

A dat si prima zapada si uite asa am intrat in febra sarbatorilor de iarna marcand astfel trecerea unui alt an. Mi se pare tot mai dificil sa fac fotografii pentru blog intrucat inghet din ce in ce mai tare in timpul sesiunilor foto insa imi place ceea ce fac asa incat simt ca merita sacrificiul. Pentru ca sunt un mare fan al palariilor, aspect pe care l-am mai mentinat si cu alte ocazii astazi am adaptat aceasta palarie unei alte tinute (palaria am mai  folosit-o si intr-o alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici).
Cardiganul este in opinia mea una dintre piesele de baza care o data cu venirea sezonului rece devine nelipsit, mereu am cate unul de rezerva. Pe langa utilitatea sa ca si confort termic confera personalitate tinutei transformand-o complet.
Acum va las sa va mai incalziti sufletul cu aceasta melodie superba.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 1 December 2014

The green scarf

Hi, my dears! It been some time ever since I have not posted but this weather is absolutely hideous, is getting harder and harder to do photo shootings. Today is a festive day as it is Romania's national day so "Happy Birthday Romania!!!." For today's post I chose to combine this wonderful thick cloth skirt, that was made by my dear seamstress, with a leather jacket and a simple pair of black shoes. The focus of the outfit is on the vintage pleated scarf, which belonged to my beloved mother.
Hug you all!

Buna, dragele mele! A trecut ceva timp decand nu am mai postat insa cu vremea asta absolut hidoasa devine din ce in ce mai greu sa fac shootinguri foto. Astazi este o zi festiva intrucat este ziua nationala a Romaniei asadar “La multi ani Romania!”. Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa imbin aceasta minunata fusta din stofa groasa pe care mi-a confectionat-o croitoreasa mead raga, cu o geaca de piele si pantofi simpli negrii. Accentul tinutei cade pe esarfa plisata, vintage care i-a apartinut mamei mele si pe care o ador.

Va imbratisez cu drag!



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