Monday, 9 February 2015


I ADORE the fur items!!!!!!!! Whether it a vest, a cape, a coat, a collar, a hat or gloves. Today I chose to wear this beautiful fur coat that I have it for some years and I bought it from Only for you store from Bucharest at a price of 50% off Yey. I very much love the massive and fluffy collar which gives a posh and stylish air. This time I opted for an elegant combination but for a further post I intend to show you a sporty approach. So stay tune
The fur coat and the vintage earrings came in contrast with the casual sweater balancing the outfit and go out of the too "miladyarea. I try to avoid as much as possible exaggerated studied outfits and the "aged" style I'm always opting for youthful combinations even a bit "neglected" outfits, sometime.
I embrace you with love!

ADOR piesele de blana!!!!!!!! Indiferent ca este vorba de vesta, capa, haina, guler, caciula sau manusi. Azi am ales sa port aceasta minunata haina de blana pe care o am de ceva ani si pe care am achizitionat-o de la Only for you din Bucuresti la un pret de 50% off yey. Imi place foarte tare gulerul masiv si pufos care confera un aer posh si stylish. De aceasta data am optat pentru o combinatie mai eleganta insa pe viitor intentionez sa va arat si o abordare mai sport. Asa ca stati pe aproape! 
Haina de blana si cerceii au venit in contrast cu pluoverul casual echilibrand astfel tinuta si iesind din zona de “cucoana”. Incerc sa evit pe cat posibil tinutele exagerat de studiate si aerul batrancios optand mereu pentru combinatii tineresti poate usor chiar neglijente.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Trade your jacket for a scarf

But first... let's have a selfie!
Initially I had another outfit ready for today but since the weather has cooled down again, I decided on this one. Although I don't seem to be dressed very thick I was not cold because the scarf is very thick and elbow-length gloves they also did their job.
The tartan scarf I used as a cape / cardigan, fixing it with a thin waist belt with golden accents for an added glam. The elbow-length gloves besides the thermal comfort they bring a chic and extremely feminine air. The boots are a mix of multiple styles: cowboy due buckles, army due to thick soles with phonographic and double zippers; and sexy due by mid-knee length and high heels.

I hope you like the outfit until next time I embrace you all!

Dar mai intai... sa mai facem un selfie!
Initial aveam alta tinuta pregatita pentru astazi insa avand in vedere ca vremea s-a racit putin, din nou, m-am decis asupra acestei tinute. Desi nu par imbracata prea gros nu mi-a fost frig deoarece fularul este foarte gros iar manusile trei-sferturi si-au facut si ele datoria.
Fulartul tartan l-am folosit pe post de capa/ cardigan fixandu-l in talie cu o curea subtire cu accente aurii pentru un plus de glam. Manusile treisferturi pe langa confortul termic aduc o nota chic si extreme de feminina. Cizmele sunt un mix intre mai multe stiluri: cowboy datorita cataramelor, army datorita talpei groase cu rizuri si a fermoarelor duble;  si sexi datorita lungimii pana la jumatatea genunchiului si a tocurilor inalte.

Sper ca va place tinuta pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Chia caviar

From today I'm starting a new category, named FOOD. At least for now I will keep it simple, I will post simple recipes, easy to prepare and healthy. The idea of fashion blog will remain  the main idea of this blog  that newly created sections (FOOD and TRAVELING) will only bring some extra diversity. The variety is the spice of life!
I recently discovered the chia seeds so I decided that for the first post from FOOD category to be a simple and tasty recipe called chia caviar salad.
For preparing this salad I mixed 80 grams of chia seeds which 100 ml of water, over which I added 25 ml of olive oil, the juice of one lemon and half of chopped onion. If you have a small onion you can put it all. For a plus of flavor I added a bit of Himalayan salt. For some time already I'm using Himalayan salt because is rich in minerals and helps to eliminate the toxins from the body. I don't use it only in the kitchen I also use it in the bathroom having benefits for the skin also.
I suggest you to leave the salad to "rest" for about an hour so the flavors will mixed between them and it will be more delicious than if a serve it immediately (at least so it seemed to me). Also, depending on your taste you can also add or reduce the amount of lemon juice or the olive oil. I always have a tendency to reduce the quantity of oil and sugar in any recipe and not necessarily for a health reasons is more a taste matter.
Next, I will present some of the properties and benefits of the chia seeds found here:
  • 5 times more calcium than milk
  •  3 times more antioxidants than blueberries
  •  3 times more iron than spinach
  •  2 times more protein than any other grain or seeds
  •  2 times more potassium than bananas

  • helps quench cravings and hunger
  • protects from harmful environmental factors
  • are a natural source of energy
  • ensure a wasp waist
  • helps build muscle mass
  • relieves joint pain
  • antioxidant effects

Hug you all with love!

De astazi incep o noua categorie si anume cea de FOOD. Cel putin deocamdata ma voi axa pe retete simple, usor de preparat si sanatoase. Ideea de fashion blog va ramane ideea de baza urmand ca sectiunile noi create (FOOD si TRAVELING) sa aduca doar un plus de diversitate. Pe principiul varietatea este condimentul vietii!
De curand am descoperit semintele de chia asa incat m-am decis ca prima postare de la categoria FOOD sa fie o reteta simpla si gustoasa de salata de icre din chia.
La prepararea acestei salate eu am pus 80 gr seminte de chia, pe care le-am incorporat intr-o 100 ml de apa, peste care am adaugat 25 ml ulei de masline, zeama de la o lamaie si o jumatate de ceapa tocata marunt. Daca ceapa nu este mare puteti pune o ceapa intreaga. Pentru un plus de gust am adaugat si putina sare de Himalaya. De ceva vreme folosesc sarea de Himalaya pentru ca este bogata in minerale si ajuta la eliminarea toxinelor din organism. Nu o folosesc doar la mancare ci si la baie avand proprietati si pentru piele.  Eu am optat pentru varianta granulata pe care o pisez intr-un mojar.
Eu va propun sa lasati salata sa se "odihneasca" aproximativ o ora pentru a se intrepatrunde aromele astfel va fi mult mai delicioasa decat daca o serviti imediat (cel putin mie asa mi s-a parut). Deasemenea, in functie de gustul vostru mai puteti adauga sau reduce cantitatea de zeama de lamaie respectiv ulei. Eu mereu am tendinta de a reduce cantitatgea de ulei si zahar din orice reteta si nu neaparat din considerente de sanatate cat mai curand din considerente de gust.
In continuare va voi prezenta cateva din proprietatile si beneficiile semintelor de chia preluate de aici:

  • de 5 ori mai mult calciu decat laptele
  • de 3 ori mai multi antioxidanti decat afinele
  • de 3 ori mai mult fier decat spanacul
  • de 2 ori mai multe proteine decat orice alte boabe sau seminte
  • de 2 ori mai mult potasiu decat bananele


  • ajuta la potolirea poftelor si a foamei
  • protejeaza de factorii nocivi din mediul inconjurator
  • sunt o sursa naturala de energie
  • asigura o talie de viespe
  • ajuta la formarea masei musculare
  • amelioreaza durerile articulare
  • au efecte antioxidant

Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by me

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