Showing posts with label Boots Il Passo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boots Il Passo. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The red gloves

Manusi rosii

I wanted a pair of red gloves since forever, and I finally found them. I highly recommend when it comes to winter jackets to choose colours other than black, grey and brown or to give a boost to the main elements using accessories who come in strong colours. 
'till next time stay fashion!
From Romania with love!

"When in 
doubt, wear 
                                  - Bill Blass

Imi doream o pereche de manusi rosii, lungi de ceva vreme si in sfarsit le-am gasit. Recomand cu tarie alegerea unor haine in sezonul rece si asa auster in alte culori decat negru, gri si maro sau potentarea elementelor principale cu ajutorul unor culori puternice.
Pana data viitoare ramaneti in tendinte!
Din Iasi cu dragoste!

Red gloves

Monday, 16 March 2015

Go for lace

I made these pictures a while ago and because I posted some others outfits today is it turn. I remember this outfit I wore it the first time couple of years ago. When I found the trousers in the closet I remembered those times so I thought to bring them back to life for you. The detail I adore is given by the lace stockings whose association with tweed fabrics made a sexy / chic combination, I always liked the overlapping of different fabrics. As you might have noticed I like to associate the leather with cotton, knitwear, precious/soft materials or fur. I make the same choices when it comes to denim too or tweed.
As you can see in the pictures I had "spectators" during the shooting this street cute dog "in person" who did not want in no way to allow us some privacy :) We struggled very hard to capture few shoots in which it not appear. Literally it did not want to move away from us when we tried to change the place he followed us. Hence I decided to reward it's perseverance and to make it famous :). 
For today I chose the new Delia's song that I've listened for the first time and as a coincidence it match my mood.
Hug you all with love <3

Aveam fotografiile astea facute de ceva vreme si cum tot am postat altceva azi le-a venit si randul lor. Tinuta asta imi aduc aminte ca am purtat-o prima data acum ceva ani. Cand am regasit pantalonii in dulap mi-am amintit de acea perioada asa ca m-am gandit sa o readuc la viata pentru voi. Detaliul pe care eu il ador este dat de ciorapii de dantela a caror asociere cu stofa sunt o combinatie de sexi/chic, mereu mi-au placut suprapunerile de materiale diferite. Cred ca ati observant deja ca imi place sa asociez pielea cu bumbac, tricotaje, materiale pretioase sau chiar blana. La fel fac alegerile si cu denimul, si cu stofele etc.
Dupa cum puteti vedea in imagini am avut "spectatori" in timpul shooting-ului in persoana acestui caine dragalas care nu a vrut sub nici un chip sa ne ofere putina intimitate :) Ne-am chinuit foarte tare sa surprindem cateva catre in care domnia sa sa nu apara, la propriu nu a vrut sa se miste de langa noi ba din contra cand noi ne miscam el venea dupa noi. Asa incat mi-am zis sa-i rasplatesc perseverenta si sa-l fac celebru :).
Pentru azi am ales noua melodie a Deliei pe care eu una am ascultat-o in premiera si care ca o coincidenta se potriveste cu starea mea de spirit.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 9 February 2015


I ADORE the fur items!!!!!!!! Whether it a vest, a cape, a coat, a collar, a hat or gloves. Today I chose to wear this beautiful fur coat that I have it for some years and I bought it from Only for you store from Bucharest at a price of 50% off Yey. I very much love the massive and fluffy collar which gives a posh and stylish air. This time I opted for an elegant combination but for a further post I intend to show you a sporty approach. So stay tune
The fur coat and the vintage earrings came in contrast with the casual sweater balancing the outfit and go out of the too "miladyarea. I try to avoid as much as possible exaggerated studied outfits and the "aged" style I'm always opting for youthful combinations even a bit "neglected" outfits, sometime.
I embrace you with love!

ADOR piesele de blana!!!!!!!! Indiferent ca este vorba de vesta, capa, haina, guler, caciula sau manusi. Azi am ales sa port aceasta minunata haina de blana pe care o am de ceva ani si pe care am achizitionat-o de la Only for you din Bucuresti la un pret de 50% off yey. Imi place foarte tare gulerul masiv si pufos care confera un aer posh si stylish. De aceasta data am optat pentru o combinatie mai eleganta insa pe viitor intentionez sa va arat si o abordare mai sport. Asa ca stati pe aproape! 
Haina de blana si cerceii au venit in contrast cu pluoverul casual echilibrand astfel tinuta si iesind din zona de “cucoana”. Incerc sa evit pe cat posibil tinutele exagerat de studiate si aerul batrancios optand mereu pentru combinatii tineresti poate usor chiar neglijente.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Blue mood

Hello my dears J
New week, new post even better as lately the so much craved sun has begun to emerge, and  even if it has toots is still pleasant. I chose an outfit that for a while already I wanted to immortalize it on film, rather say on the memory card for a blog post and now that moment came. Finely! It is an -All blue- outfit made of my favorite pair of ripped jeans and a blue classic shirt that I purchased it a few years ago from the VS website; all this were "seasoned" with two pairs of pearls strings. Given the temperature I could not give up the accessories and here I mean the leather jacket, which I believe is a must have and goes well in all combinations and the tartan scarf which is a must have of this season.
Until the next post I embrace you with love!

Buna dragele mele J
O noua saptamana o noua postare cu atat mai mult cu cat in ultima perioada a mai inceput sa iasa si soarele dupa care ravnesc atat de tare, chiar daca domnia sa are oare si ce dintisori. Am ales o tinuta pe care imi doream de mult sa o imortalizez pe pelicula, mai curand pe memory card pentru blog si acum i-a venit randul. Este un “All blue outfit” compusa din perechea mea favorita de jeansi rupti si o camasa clasica albastra pe care am comandat-o ceva ani in urma pe de site-ul celor de la VS; la toate acestea am “asezonat” doua perechi de siraguri de perle. Data fiind temperatura nu am putut renunta la accesorii si aici ma refer la geaca de piele, care dupa parerea mea este un must have si merge in toate combinatiile si esarfa tartan care este un must have al acestui sezon.
Pana la urmatoarea postare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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