I admit that I am not the biggest fan of maxi skirts that's the reason I only have two. One is an absolutely gorgeous azure blue for which I must change the lining because it was designed with the thickest lining of the most synthetic fabric ever. I hate things half done like ecological leather leggings for example whose back side is made from a different fabric then front side, also the sequins tops again some manufactures are using sequins just for the front side and t-shirt fabric for the back side and such examples are many; as the behind is not part of us. The second one is black, the one from the below images, I also love it because it has a straight cut and has pockets, I just adore skirts or dresses with pockets it just creates a relaxing attitude. To return now to the original subject, the maxi skirts are very practical in the summer especially when is very hot they are very cool and comfortable and with the right accessory can become very stylish they also can be worn in a classic style, glam, Victorian or Boohoo depends on the fabric and cut. With more details about each individual style I will be back in my further posts.
Today I'm wearing a Bershka maxi skirt, a ZARA white basic top , also ZARA golden platform, a vintage black bag and a emerald green necklace.
From Romania with love!
ca nu sunt cel mai mare fan al fustelor maxi motiv pentru care am doar doua. Una
de un albastru azur absolut superb caruia trebuie sa-i schimb captuseala
deoarece a fost conceputa cu o captuseala groasa si din cel mai sintetic
material posibil, urasc treburile facute doar pe jumatate cum ar fi colantii
din piele ecologica doar la partea din fata si sintetic sau bumbac la partea
din spate, topurile din paiete din nou doar pentru partea din fata si material
de tricou pentru partea din spate si exemplele pot continua; ca si cum spatele
nu ar fi tot al nostru. Iar cea de-a doua este cea neagra din imaginile de mai
jos, si care deasemenea imi place foarte tare pentru ca are o croiala dreapta
si are si buzunare ador fustele sau rochiile cu buzunare creeaza un sentiment
de relaxare. Ca sa revenim acum la subiect fustele maxi sunt foarte practice vara mai ales cand este foarte cald ele fiind foarte racoroase si comode iar cu accesorile potrivite sunt foarte stylish pot fi purtate atat intr-o maniera clasica, glam, victoriana sau boohoo depinde atat de material cat si de crioala. Cu mai multe detalii despre fiecare stil in parte voi revenii in postarile viitoare.
Azi port o fusta maxi Bershka, un top basic ZARA, platforme aurii
ZARA, o geanta vintage neagra si un colier verde smarald.
Din Iasi cu dragoste!
Love the skirt and that statement necklace is everything, you look gorgeous Maria!
ReplyDeleteYou are perfect with that maxi skirt and your necklace is amazing!!! Have a nice day, kisses,
Eniwhere Fashion
Eniwhere Fashion Facebook
Lovely outfit!
ReplyDelete- Mariah-Ruthel