Monday, 30 June 2014

At the office

I do not think I mentioned before that I have a full time office job into a flavorless area, and where most of the time is required office attireAnd because office outfits are generally dull and boring I decided to readjust, to enliven and to give a new interpretationSo I chose two itemsemerald green earrings, and golden belt to give a final touch of glam to the outfit and also to bring some color to the basics elements.
Hug you all <3

Nu cred ca am mentionat pana acum faptul ca am un job full time de birou, si intr-un domeniu lipsit de culoare, si unde de cele mai multe ori se impune o tinuta office. Si cum tinutele de birou in general sunt terne si anoste am decis sa o readaptez, sa o insufletesc, sa-i dau o noua interpretare. Asa incat am ales doua piese: cerceii de un verde smarald si centura aurie care sa dea o nota de glam tinutei si dea asemenea sa aduca un plus de culoare elementelor de baza.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Dancing in the rain

Although neither the weather and the light was on my side, I still found a moment for a photo shooting right through the falling rain, taking advantage of my accessory: the common umbrella. Today I chose to combine items from different style areas in order to highlight each of them just because of the created contrast. The statement piece of the outfit are the multicolored earrings which "breaks" monochromatic palette of black.
On the encyclopedia chapter from today I will tick some curiosities boxes regarding the umbrellaDid you know that even if, today is used with the purpose of protecting us from the rain drops, it was originally designed to protect people from the sun? It is believed the umbrella may have first been used in China having a design quite similar to the one we are having today. However, the paradox is that in this days umbrellas and parasols as we know them are mostly produced in China covering the major part of the world wide needs. The difference between rain umbrella and sun umbrella consists within the material​​, the rain umbrella fabric is waterproof. Umbrella is also used in architecture, religious ceremonies and photography.
Hug you all!

Desi nici vremea si nici lumina nu au fost de partea mea, tot am gasit un moment pentru un shooting photo chiar printre picurii de ploaie folosindu-ma de accesoriul din dotare: nelipsita umbrela. Azi am ales sa combin piese din sfere diferite cu scopul de a le evidentia pe fiecare in parte tocmai datorita contrastului creat. Piesa statement din tinuta o reprezinta cerceii multicolori care "sparg" paleta monocolora de negru.
La capitolul enciclopedie de astazi voi bifa cateva curiozitati in ceea ce priveste umbrela. Stiati ca desi in zilele noastre este folosita mai cu seama in scopul de a ne feri de stropii de ploaie, initial a fost conceputa cu scopul de a proteja oamenii de razele soarelui. Cat despre aparitia ei se crede ca prima data a fost utilizata in China avand un design asemanator cu cel de azi totusi, paradoxul este ca si in zilele noastre umbrelele si parasolarele asa cum le stim noi sunt produse in marea lor majoritate tot in China acoperind cea mai mare parte din consumul la nivel mondial. Diferenta intre umbrela de ploaie si cea de soare consta in materialul din care este confectionata, cea de ploaie avand in compozitie un material impermeabil. Umbrela mai este folosita in arhitectura, ceremoni religioase si in fotografie.
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Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 23 June 2014

Dancing dots

In tune with today's outfit I find interesting to make a journey in the history of polka dots skirt.The beginning of the polka dots lasting role in fashion history  it was in the 20th century. In 1928, Mickey Mouse's female companion, Minnie, was born in the Walt Disney illustration studio dressed in a polka dot skirt, a trademark of the animated icon.
Some people associate polka dots with Venezuelan fashion designer Carolina Herrera, who used polka dots on most of her dresses during the late 80s and early 90s, but the French designer Coco Chanel favoured dots in the 1920s and then during the 1940's and '50s, the polka dot graced the gowns of female celebrities from Marilyn Monroe to Elizabeth Taylor, during the same time period Christian Dior began to release his notable hourglass dresses in spotted prints.
Yet, the 1950s was the polka dots biggest decade and the polka dot pattern has been often associated with the 50’ ever since, the 1980s were the decade of polka dot accessories.
The term "polka dot" first appeared in the 1880s when both the dots and the dance were especially popular, traditionally polka dots were used in the clothing of flamenco dancers and performers.
In 2006, polka dot skirtsdressesscarves and tops became a fad in the United Kingdom. These days we can include it in the pin-up style.
Hug you all <3

In ton cu tinuta de astazi gasesc interesant sa facem un periplu in istoria fustei "polka" cu buline. Inceputul rolului bulinelor in istoria modei a fost in secolul XX. In 1928, partenera lui Mickey Mouse, Minnie, a prins viata in studiourile Walt Disney fiind imbracata intr-o fusta polka cu buline, devenita marca comerciala a pictogramei animate.
Unii atribuie bulinele designer- ului de moda venezuelean Carolina Herrera, care a folosit buline pe cele mai multe dintre rochiile ei la sfarsitul anilor '80 si inceputul anilor '90, defapt designerul francez Coco Chanel a folosit materiale cu buline mai devreme, in 1920 iar, mai apoi in anii '50 respectiv '40, bulinele au aparut pe rochiile unor celebritati ca  Marilyn Monroe si  Elizabeth Taylor, in aceeasi perioada de timp Christian Dior a inceput sa creeze rochiile cu o crioala de tip clepsidra cu acelasi imprimeu cu buline.
Cu toate acestea, anii '50 sunt considerati a fi deceniul bulinelor iar, modelul de polka cu buline a ramas in istorie ca fiind reprezentativa perioadei anilor 50 ", iar anii '80 s-au remarcat ca fiind perioada accesoriilor cu buline.
Termenul de "buline polka", a aparut pentru prima data in anii '80, cand atat dansul cat si bulinele au fost deosebit de populare.In mod traditional, bulinele au fost utilizate ca imprimeu al hainelor dansatorilor de flamenco si al artistilor interpreti.
In 2006, fuste "polka" cu buline, rochii, esarfe si topuri au redevenit un trend in Marea Britanie. Astazi il putem include in stilul pin-up.
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Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Friday, 20 June 2014

Linden scent

Today's shooting was a real delighting for the senses leaving myself enveloped by the scent of lime flowers. The choose outfit is a simple one, a casual one for daily wear. The elements whose giving a touch to the outfit is represented by the waistcoat, in any outfit that we add a blazer, a cardigan, a vest, a cape, a tailor or a jacket you will notice how the thing turns from something common into something with personality, with style.
Hug you all <3

Shootingul de astazi a fost o adevarata desfatare pentru simturi lasandu-ma invaluita de mireasma florilor de tei. Tinuta aleasa este una simpla, casual ce poate fi purtata de zi cu zi. Elementul care face tinuta completa este vesta, de altfel in orice tinuta la care adaugam un blazer, un cardigan, o vesta, o capa, un sacou sau o geaca veti observa cum din ceva banal se transforma in ceva cu personalitate, cu stil.
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Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Let the summer begin!

An accessory that I adore is the hat in all its forms. I consider the hat being a masterpiece of an outfit, that completes very well the outfit and gives personality and a sophisticated air. 
In the past, hats were an indicator of the social status although there are clues that at first, hats appeared at the freed slaves from Greece and Rome. Later on it been adopted by the high class societyInitially was an accessory  exclusively for men's wear but, after, in the late 16th - century, hats were introduced in the feminine wardrobe as well.
The tradition of wearing hats to horse racing events began at the Royal Ascot in Britain, which maintains a strict dress code even in our days.
Bear in mind that the hat be worn with attitude and self confidence.
Hug you all <3

Un accesoriu pe care il ador este, palaria in toate formele ei. Consider ca este o piesa de rezistenta care completeaza foarte bine o tinuta conferindu-i personalitate si un aer sofisticat. In trecut palaria era un indicator al statutului social desi exista indicii cum ca prima si prima data palariile au aparut la sclavii liberi din Grecia si Roma. Mai tarziu a fost adoptata de clasa sociala inalta. Initial fiind un accesoriu destinat barbatilor insa ulterior, dupa a doua jumatate a secolul al 16- lea, palariile au fost introduse si in garderoba feminina. 
Traditia de a purta palarii la cursele de cai a inceput de la Ascot Regal din Marea Britanie, care mentine si azi un cod vestimentar strict.
De retinut este faptul ca palaria trebuie purtata cu atitudine si incredere in sine.
Va imbratisez <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Friday, 13 June 2014

World cup

Being shrouded by the world wide event who is now taking place, I choose an outfit matching an extra "accessory". Beside the explosion of colors I also want to imprint is the good mood and joy which is a characteristic for the Brazilian people. Although, many of you would be tempted to say that the statement piece of my apparel are the sandals or the T-shirt I would say that the animal print belt is the centerpiece; in choosing this I was inspired by the beauty of the place, by the wild Amazon jungle.
As for the event itself I will broadly introduce some generalities2014 FIFA World Cup is an international football tournament who is in the 20th edition, and is taking place in Brazil for the second time first time when Brazil had hosted the competition was in 1950The competition runs from 12 June to 13 July, and is between 32 national teams from 32 countries including the host country. During the entire period a total of 64 matches that will be played in 12 cities across Brazil. The 32 teams are divided into 8 groups of 4 teams by to the highest ranked. In the knockout stage there will be four rounds (round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and the final).
Hug you all <3

Cuprinsa fiind de febra evenimentului care este in plina desfasurare la acest moment am conceput o tinuta cu  un extra "accesoriu". Pe langa explozia de culori vreau sa transmit buna dispozitie o caracteristica definitorie pentru brazilieni. Desi multi ar fi tentati sa spuna ca piesa principala sunt sandalele sau tricoul eu spun ca piesa centrala este cureaua animal print inspirata fiind tot de frumusetile locului si anume de salbatica jungla amazoniana.
Cat despre evenimentul in sine va prezint in linii mari cateva generalitati. Cupa Mondiala FIFA 2014 este un turneu international de fotbal masculin care se afla la cea de-a 20-a editie, si care pentru a doua oara are loc in Brazilia prima data fiind in anul 1950. Competitia se desfasoara in perioada 12 Iunie – 13 Iulie, intre 32 de echipe nationale din 32 de tari incluzand si tara gazda. Pe parcursul intregii perioade vor avea loc 64 de meciuri care se vor juca in 12 orase de pe teritoriul Braziliei. Cele 32 de echipe sunt impartite in 8 grupe a cate 4 echipe in functie de cea mai bine clasata. Etapa de eliminare este formata din patru runde ( runde de 16, sferturi de finala, sferturi de semifinale si finale).
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Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Walking away

It's so hot outside that I don't really feel like putting anything on me that why I tend to wear casual attire and fluid fabrics. I'm aware that all these recommendation it might sound as a cliche but in the summer I'm literally melting that's why I'm a big fan of Spring.
And because the chosen  location is novel one I thought to introduce you some curiosities that match the "scenery". So did you know that the first train lines were made of wood then came the stone and then appeared the steel? Also, for the propulsive force were used horses, later on being introduced the mechanized transport with locomotives. The modern transport first appeared in England in 1820, from where it spread throughout the world.
Hug you all!

Este atat de cald afara incat nu prea imi vine sa pun nimic pe mine motiv pentru care tind sa port tinute lejere, din materiale fluide si cat mai moi la atingere. Stiu ca suna a cliseu toate aceste recomandari insa eu sunt fanul primaverii asa incat vara ma topesc la propriu.
Si pentru ca locatia aleasa este una inedita m-am gandit sa va prezint cateva curiozitati  in ton cu "decorul" astfel: stiati ca primele linii de tren au fost facute din lemn apoi au aparut cele din piatra si ulterior au aparut cele din otel? Deasemnea ca forta de propulsie au fost folositi caii, fiind intrudus mai apoi transportul mecanizat cu locomotive. Transportul modern a aparut mai intai in Anglia in anul 1820, de unde s-a extins in intreaga lume.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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