Showing posts with label Multicolored Earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multicolored Earrings. Show all posts

Monday, 8 September 2014

Coral shades

Given the fact that during the holiday I was very busy with parties and therefore I had no "free time" I decided to do a remake of the worn outfits. And because there are not so many sunny days left due to the period of year in which we are, I took advantage of the beautiful Saturday weather so I spent most of the day doing photo shootings. 
For today's post I chose to wear this lovely coral jumpsuit marking the waist with a golden drawstring and for the accessories I choose the deep blue color, this contrast is highlighting each piece.
Hug you all with love!

Dat fiind faptul ca in vacanta am fost deosebit de ocupata cu petrecerile si deci nu am avut deloc “timp liber” m-am decis sa fac un remake al tinutelor purtate. Si pentru ca zile insorite sunt numarate avand in vedere perioada anului in care ne aflam, sambata am profitat de vremea minunata astfel mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte a zilei facand mai multe shooting-uri foto.
Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa port acesta minunata salopeta corai, marcand talia cu un cordon auriu si optand pentru accesorii de un albastru intens, contrastul cromatic scotand in evidenta fiecare piesa in parte.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Dancing in the rain

Although neither the weather and the light was on my side, I still found a moment for a photo shooting right through the falling rain, taking advantage of my accessory: the common umbrella. Today I chose to combine items from different style areas in order to highlight each of them just because of the created contrast. The statement piece of the outfit are the multicolored earrings which "breaks" monochromatic palette of black.
On the encyclopedia chapter from today I will tick some curiosities boxes regarding the umbrellaDid you know that even if, today is used with the purpose of protecting us from the rain drops, it was originally designed to protect people from the sun? It is believed the umbrella may have first been used in China having a design quite similar to the one we are having today. However, the paradox is that in this days umbrellas and parasols as we know them are mostly produced in China covering the major part of the world wide needs. The difference between rain umbrella and sun umbrella consists within the material​​, the rain umbrella fabric is waterproof. Umbrella is also used in architecture, religious ceremonies and photography.
Hug you all!

Desi nici vremea si nici lumina nu au fost de partea mea, tot am gasit un moment pentru un shooting photo chiar printre picurii de ploaie folosindu-ma de accesoriul din dotare: nelipsita umbrela. Azi am ales sa combin piese din sfere diferite cu scopul de a le evidentia pe fiecare in parte tocmai datorita contrastului creat. Piesa statement din tinuta o reprezinta cerceii multicolori care "sparg" paleta monocolora de negru.
La capitolul enciclopedie de astazi voi bifa cateva curiozitati in ceea ce priveste umbrela. Stiati ca desi in zilele noastre este folosita mai cu seama in scopul de a ne feri de stropii de ploaie, initial a fost conceputa cu scopul de a proteja oamenii de razele soarelui. Cat despre aparitia ei se crede ca prima data a fost utilizata in China avand un design asemanator cu cel de azi totusi, paradoxul este ca si in zilele noastre umbrelele si parasolarele asa cum le stim noi sunt produse in marea lor majoritate tot in China acoperind cea mai mare parte din consumul la nivel mondial. Diferenta intre umbrela de ploaie si cea de soare consta in materialul din care este confectionata, cea de ploaie avand in compozitie un material impermeabil. Umbrela mai este folosita in arhitectura, ceremoni religioase si in fotografie.
Va imbratisez cu drag! 

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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