Today's shooting was a real delighting for the senses leaving myself enveloped by the scent of lime flowers. The choose outfit is a simple one, a casual one for daily wear. The elements whose giving a touch to the outfit is represented by the waistcoat, in any outfit that we add a blazer, a cardigan, a vest, a cape, a tailor or a jacket you will notice how the thing turns from something common into something with personality, with style.
Hug you all <3
Shootingul de astazi a fost o adevarata desfatare pentru simturi lasandu-ma invaluita de mireasma florilor de tei. Tinuta aleasa este una simpla, casual ce poate fi purtata de zi cu zi. Elementul care face tinuta completa este vesta, de altfel in orice tinuta la care adaugam un blazer, un cardigan, o vesta, o capa, un sacou sau o geaca veti observa cum din ceva banal se transforma in ceva cu personalitate, cu stil.
Va imbratisez cu drag <3
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN