It's so hot outside that I don't really feel like putting anything on me that why I tend to wear casual attire and fluid fabrics. I'm aware that all these recommendation it might sound as a cliche but in the summer I'm literally melting that's why I'm a big fan of Spring.
And because the chosen location is novel one I thought to introduce you some curiosities that match the "scenery". So did you know that the first train lines were made of wood then came the stone and then appeared the steel? Also, for the propulsive force were used horses, later on being introduced the mechanized transport with locomotives. The modern transport first appeared in England in 1820, from where it spread throughout the world.
Hug you all!
Este atat de cald afara incat nu prea imi vine sa pun nimic pe mine motiv pentru care tind sa port tinute lejere, din materiale fluide si cat mai moi la atingere. Stiu ca suna a cliseu toate aceste recomandari insa eu sunt fanul primaverii asa incat vara ma topesc la propriu.
And because the chosen location is novel one I thought to introduce you some curiosities that match the "scenery". So did you know that the first train lines were made of wood then came the stone and then appeared the steel? Also, for the propulsive force were used horses, later on being introduced the mechanized transport with locomotives. The modern transport first appeared in England in 1820, from where it spread throughout the world.
Hug you all!
Este atat de cald afara incat nu prea imi vine sa pun nimic pe mine motiv pentru care tind sa port tinute lejere, din materiale fluide si cat mai moi la atingere. Stiu ca suna a cliseu toate aceste recomandari insa eu sunt fanul primaverii asa incat vara ma topesc la propriu.
Si pentru ca locatia aleasa este una inedita m-am gandit sa va prezint cateva curiozitati in ton cu "decorul" astfel: stiati ca primele linii de
tren au fost facute din lemn apoi au aparut cele din piatra si ulterior au
aparut cele din otel? Deasemnea ca forta de propulsie au fost folositi caii, fiind intrudus mai apoi transportul mecanizat cu locomotive. Transportul
modern a aparut mai intai in Anglia in anul 1820, de unde s-a extins in
intreaga lume.
Va imbratisez cu drag!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN
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