Showing posts with label Brasil T-shirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brasil T-shirt. Show all posts

Friday, 13 June 2014

World cup

Being shrouded by the world wide event who is now taking place, I choose an outfit matching an extra "accessory". Beside the explosion of colors I also want to imprint is the good mood and joy which is a characteristic for the Brazilian people. Although, many of you would be tempted to say that the statement piece of my apparel are the sandals or the T-shirt I would say that the animal print belt is the centerpiece; in choosing this I was inspired by the beauty of the place, by the wild Amazon jungle.
As for the event itself I will broadly introduce some generalities2014 FIFA World Cup is an international football tournament who is in the 20th edition, and is taking place in Brazil for the second time first time when Brazil had hosted the competition was in 1950The competition runs from 12 June to 13 July, and is between 32 national teams from 32 countries including the host country. During the entire period a total of 64 matches that will be played in 12 cities across Brazil. The 32 teams are divided into 8 groups of 4 teams by to the highest ranked. In the knockout stage there will be four rounds (round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and the final).
Hug you all <3

Cuprinsa fiind de febra evenimentului care este in plina desfasurare la acest moment am conceput o tinuta cu  un extra "accesoriu". Pe langa explozia de culori vreau sa transmit buna dispozitie o caracteristica definitorie pentru brazilieni. Desi multi ar fi tentati sa spuna ca piesa principala sunt sandalele sau tricoul eu spun ca piesa centrala este cureaua animal print inspirata fiind tot de frumusetile locului si anume de salbatica jungla amazoniana.
Cat despre evenimentul in sine va prezint in linii mari cateva generalitati. Cupa Mondiala FIFA 2014 este un turneu international de fotbal masculin care se afla la cea de-a 20-a editie, si care pentru a doua oara are loc in Brazilia prima data fiind in anul 1950. Competitia se desfasoara in perioada 12 Iunie – 13 Iulie, intre 32 de echipe nationale din 32 de tari incluzand si tara gazda. Pe parcursul intregii perioade vor avea loc 64 de meciuri care se vor juca in 12 orase de pe teritoriul Braziliei. Cele 32 de echipe sunt impartite in 8 grupe a cate 4 echipe in functie de cea mai bine clasata. Etapa de eliminare este formata din patru runde ( runde de 16, sferturi de finala, sferturi de semifinale si finale).
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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