Friday, 16 January 2015

Cozy chic

Hello my dears! It seems that lately I'm posting increasingly less so I have to say I'm a little disappointed of me. The problem is that I want to do too many things and to my disappointment I end up doing very little. First the full time job I have it covers three quarter of the day, and in the remaining time difference I'm trying to merge the other activities which between me and you aren't few where I also add the resting without I can not function. I do not complain, I'm not looking for excuses I just express my thoughts or even better I argue with myself a bit.
Being still cold, I chose an outfit in "layers" in a Sport- chic style. The outfit is composed of a pair of tapered leather pants, a pair of UGG, a white sport top to which I associate two strings of pearls, my favorite fake fur vest and the must have of this season  the tartan shawl. Which I got it from the Santa Clause and which I love it (the shawl and so the Santa). The chic note is given by the three quarter gloves and pearls strings.
I let you now to warm up a bit with the most recent song of INNA.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele! Se pare ca in ultima perioada postez din ce in ce mai rar asa incat trebuie sa mentionez ca sunt putin dezamagita de mine. Problema e ca vreau sa fac prea multe lucruri si spre dezamagirea mea sfarsesc prin a face foarte putine. In primul rand job-ul imi ocupa treisferturi din zi astfel ca incerc sa comasez celelalte activitati care intre noi fie vorba nu sunt putine la numar in diferenta de timp ramasa la care se adauga si odihna fara de care eu una nu pot functiona. Nu ma plang, nu ma scuz imi insirui doar gandurile sau poate chiar ma cert un pic.
Fiind inca frig am ales o tinuta in “straturi” intr-un stil sport- chic. Outfit- ul este compus dintr-o pereche de pantaloni conici de piele, o pereche de UGG, un top sport alb la care am asociat doua siraguri de perle, vesta mea favorita din blana artificiala si senzatia acestui anotimp salul tartan pe  care mi l-a adus Mos Craciun si pe care il ador (atat salul cat si pe Mosul). Nota chic este data de perle cat si de manusile treisferturi.
In continuare va las sa va incalziti cu cea mai recenta melodie a INNei.
Va imbratisez cu drag! 



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

White flake

New year, new posts and so begins a new chapter in our lives. New challenges, obstacles, joys, sorrows, failures and achievements await us. I hope that you have made the  resolutions list for 2015 as mine is ready. I hope it will be the first from a long series of years I will be able to mark off each point of the 30 listed. I hope it will be a year of big changes and the  happiness will be the leitmotif of us all's existence.
The photos from today's post were made three weeks ago, before being "hit" by this terrible cold, I hope it will get a bit warmer in order to restore my photo "stock". Although I'm addicted to high heels and analysed outfits. Lately I prefer comfortable outfits as is today's post in which  I present you a relaxed outfit perfect for the busy days. The flat boots ease our movement especially when we have to "check" several places throughout the day, the knitted sweater has a comfy effect in winter and the oversize bag is perfect for carrying all sorts of things with us, the chic note is given by the animal print scarf which complements the outfit.
Until next time I embrace you with love!

La an nou postari noi si uite asa incepe un nou capitol din viata noastra. Noi provocari, obstacole, bucurii, tristeti, esecuri si realizari ne asteapta. Sper ca v-ati facut lista resolutiilor pentru 2015, a mea este gata si sper sa fie primul din lungul sir de ani in care voi reusi sa bifez fiecare punct dintre cele peste 30 listate. Sper sa fie un an al marilor schimbari pe toate planurile un an in care fericirea sa fie laitmotivul existentei noastre a tuturor.
Fotografiile din postarea de azi sunt facute acum 3 saptamani inainte sa fim “loviti” de acest ger naprasnic, sper totusi sa se mai incalzeasca un pic pentru a-mi reface “stocul” de fotografii. Desi sunt dependenta de pantofii cu toc si tinutele studiate, in ultima perioada prefer tinutele comode asa incat si in postarea de azi va prezint o tinuta relaxanta perfecta pentru zilele aglomerate. Cizmele cu talpa joasa ne fac deplasarea mai usoara mai ales cand trebuie sa "bifam" mai multe locuri pe parcursul unei zile, puloverul tricotat are effect termic in sezonul rece, iar geanta oversize care este perfecta pentru zi cand mereu caram tot felul de lucruri cu noi, nota chic este data de esarfa animal print care completeaza si definitiveaza tinuta.
Pana data viitoare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Winter's tale

This Christmas "was split" in two places, half at my parents house and the other half at the mountains side with friends. The first part was a relaxing and "plentiful" as I ate all the goodies made by my sweet mother, I did not refrain from anything so I got stuck with some extra pounds. Therefore on the top of the long list of "New year's resolution" is the gym together with waking early :).
At the mountain side the parties were long and the daily activities were many. While staying in Gura Humor though was a short stay I tried to enjoy as much as I could the beauty of the place and snow. The snow sled, the ATV, the mulled wine and radauteana sour soup were the leitmotifs of this holiday.
I wish you a good New Year, good health and as many accomplishments as possible!!!

I embrace you with love!

Craciunul asta “m-am impartit” in doua locuri, o parte la parintii mei si o parte la munte cu prietenii. Prima parte a fost una relaxanta si indestulatoare intrucat am mancat din toate bunatatile facute de dulcea mea mama, nu m-am infranat de la nimic asa incat m-am pricopsit si cu niste kilograme in plus. Deci din lunga lista de “New year's resolution” sala este cap de lista la pachet cu trezitul mai devreme.
La munte petrecerile au fost lungi iar activitatile de peste zi multe. Desi sederea in Gura Humorului a fost una scurta am incercat sa ma bucur cat mai mult de frumusetile locului si de zapada astfel sania, ATV-ul, vinul fiert si ciorba radauteana au fost laitmotivele scurtei vacante.
Va urez un an nou cat mai bun si sa aveti parte de multa sanatate si cat mai multe impliniri!!!

Va imbratisez cu drag!



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