Wednesday, 8 October 2014

I call it different

I know that again I took a quite long break but I assure you that I had a good reason.... but all's well that ends well J. For today’s post I choose to wear an outfit casual- sport using again the polka dots skirt, because as you have already noticed, I like to use the same piece of clothing in various combinations. This time I mixed this skirt with an office silk shirt and a pair of white sneakers to which I added a pastel pink necklace gift from a good friend. I can say that I felt very comfortable in the office, it is a perfect outfit especially for busy days when you have to get in many places.
Hug you all with love!

Stiu ca din nou am luat o pauza cam lunga insa va asigur ca am avut un motiv serios. ….dar totul e bine cand se termina cu bine J. Am ales pentru astazi o tinuta casual- sport folosindu-ma din nou de aceasta fusta cu buline, pentru ca dupa cum ati observant deja,  imi place sa folosesc aceeasi piesa vestimentara in diferite combinatii. De data aceasta, fusta am combinat-o cu o camasa de matase office si o pereche de tenesi albi la care am adaugat un colier roz pastel primit cadou de la o buna prietena. Pot spune ca m-am simtit foarte confortabil la birou, este o tinuta ideala mai ales pentru zilele aglomerate cand trebuie sa ajungem in foarte multe locuri.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 6 October 2014

September Issue

September was like a passage that makes the transition from summer to fall. In fact in September I was holding the summer "against her will", I simply did not want to let it go, I insisted on wearing summer outfits even if the outside temperatures were not necessarily on my side. Today's post includes all the articles from September and in case you have missed any post, under each photo you will find a link who will direct you to the original article.
Hug you all!

Septembrie a fost ca un pasaj care face trecerea de la vara la toamna. De fapt in Septembrie am tras cu dintii de vara, pur si simplu nu am vrut sa-i dau drumul, sa o lass a plece, m-am incapatanat sa port tinute de vara chiar daca temperaturile de afara nu erau neaparat de partea mea. Post-ul de astazi inglobeaza articolele lunii Septembrie si in caz in care ati omis vreo postare, sub fiecare fotografie aveti link-ul catre articolul original.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Army & print


Coral shades

Pink drops

Sunny sequins

Genius 01

Rock- chic

Friday, 19 September 2014

Genius 01

Today is Friday and I can’t be happier that another work week has ended. I can say that I had a great week and it been a very active one too, besides the fact that I was stuck with a “splendid” flood from which resulted an impetuous need of a general clean up, I also restarted the sports activities because between me and you, since I returned from my holiday I went through a period of culinary chaos; this is me trying to express myself in an elegant manner in fact I have others terms in my mind in order to describe what I actually feel regarding my diet.  Another reason for which I'm really excited that the weekend is coming is that I have started the swimming lessons so I can’t wait for the next summer to come to put my new skills into practice
Today's outfit is kind of a sporty-chic style, I have combined a pencil skirt with a pair of sandals with ankle strap and an American baseball t-shirt, bringing a splash of color with the help of a statement necklace. Next, I'll leave you to enjoy one of Trey Songz's songs for which I developed a real passion lately.
Hug you all with love!

Azi este vineri si nu pot decat sa ma bucur pentru ca inca o saptamana de lucru s-a incheiat. Pot spune ca am avut o saptamana plina si foarte activa, pe langa faptul ca m-am pricopsit cu o inundatie de toata frumusetea fapt ce a determinat nevoia spontana a unei curatenii generale, am reluat si activitatile sportive pentru ca de cand m-am intors din vacanta am trecut printr-o perioada de haos culinar; asta ca sa incerc sa ma exprim intr-o maniera eleganta pentru ca in realitate altii sunt termenii care-mi vin in minte. Un alt motiv pentru care sunt foarte incantata ca vine weekendul este pentru ca am inceput lectiile de inot astfel ca abia astept vara viitoare pentru a pune in practica noile mele abilitati.
Tinuta de astazi este un fel de sporty-chic, am combinat o fusta creion cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si un american baseball t-shirt, aducand o pata de culoare cu ajutorul uni colier statement. In continuare va las sa va delectati cu una din melodiile lui Trey Songz pentru care am dezvoltat o adevarata pasiune in ultima vreme.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Sunny sequins

Based on the lately experiences my mood was a changing one going from one extreme to another, culminating with taking some decisions of a major importance for me. And because the autumn include buds I’m going through a period of transition too, a time of changes. So I entered into a full process of preparation, physical training, mental and intellectual with the sole purpose of the great change in my life. More I tell you at the time of accomplish
The chosen today’s outfit falls into the category of "holiday remake" because I’m still nostalgic about those days. It is composed of a pair of jeans cut by me, a ragged sequined top which I bought it from garment factory, a pair of platforms and a statement necklace.
Hug you all with love!

Pe fondul ultimelor trairi dispozitia mea din ultima perioada a fost una schimbatoare trecand de la o extrema la alta culminand cu luarea unor decizii de importanta capitala pentru mine. Si pentru ca toamna se numara bobocii si eu la randul meu trec printro perioada de tranzitie, o perioada a schimbarilor. Astfel am intrat in plin process de pregatire, pregatire fizica, psihica si intelectuala avand ca unic scop marea schimbare din viata mea. Mai multe am sa va spun la momentul realizarii.
Tinuta aleasa astazi intra tot in categoria “holiday remake” pentru ca inca sunt nostaligica dupa acele zile. Este compusa dintr-o pereche de jeansi taiati de mine, un top rupt din paiete pe care l-am achizitionat de la o fabrica de confectii, o pereche de platforme si un colier statement.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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