Showing posts with label Short jeans Esprit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Short jeans Esprit. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Sunny sequins

Based on the lately experiences my mood was a changing one going from one extreme to another, culminating with taking some decisions of a major importance for me. And because the autumn include buds I’m going through a period of transition too, a time of changes. So I entered into a full process of preparation, physical training, mental and intellectual with the sole purpose of the great change in my life. More I tell you at the time of accomplish
The chosen today’s outfit falls into the category of "holiday remake" because I’m still nostalgic about those days. It is composed of a pair of jeans cut by me, a ragged sequined top which I bought it from garment factory, a pair of platforms and a statement necklace.
Hug you all with love!

Pe fondul ultimelor trairi dispozitia mea din ultima perioada a fost una schimbatoare trecand de la o extrema la alta culminand cu luarea unor decizii de importanta capitala pentru mine. Si pentru ca toamna se numara bobocii si eu la randul meu trec printro perioada de tranzitie, o perioada a schimbarilor. Astfel am intrat in plin process de pregatire, pregatire fizica, psihica si intelectuala avand ca unic scop marea schimbare din viata mea. Mai multe am sa va spun la momentul realizarii.
Tinuta aleasa astazi intra tot in categoria “holiday remake” pentru ca inca sunt nostaligica dupa acele zile. Este compusa dintr-o pereche de jeansi taiati de mine, un top rupt din paiete pe care l-am achizitionat de la o fabrica de confectii, o pereche de platforme si un colier statement.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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