Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Pink & Stripes

Although this summer is not really a proper summer because the weather is more like rainy, I chose an outfit for "semi- summer",  if it can be called so, by combining a striped shirt made ​​by my dear seamstress (about her I already spoke in the previous post) with a pair of ecological leather leggings. Although I am a fan of high and very high heels, not only because of my stature but because I see it perfect, judging by their form, though this pair of pink shoes I love them for the given comfort and the color which I find it to be gorgeous.
The encyclopedia of today will be related to the Breton stripes in fashion. 
Striped top as we know it today came into, thanks to a law decree from France, which introduced the navy and white striped knitted shirt to the French Navy sailor uniforms. The original design had 21 stripes, one for each of Napoleon's victories.
This garment item passed from the working class into female fashion, basically braking the link with the fashion corsets of those times. The evolution has grown due to the increased in popularity of the seaside destinations like Saint Tropez. In Coco Chanel's vision this item could be associated with flared pants. In the style adapted in the '30s , the superior class would pair the top with a tie, jacket and shorts.
The top was then made ​​popular by celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Pablo Picasso, Brigitte Bardot, Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Audrey Hepburn, James Dean and Jean Seberg. 
The design is now synonymous with chic Parisian style. The top was recreated in the collections of the fashion houses such as Balmain, Gucci, Givenchy and Jean Paul Gaultier.
Hug you all!

Desi vara asta nu prea este vara intrucat mai mult ploua, am optat pentru o tinuta de "semi vara" daca poate fi numita asa, imbinand o bluza cu dungi facuta de croitoreasa mea draga, (despre care am mai povestit si in postarea anterioara) cu o pereche de leggings din piele ecologica. Desi eu sunt adepta tocurilor inalte si foarte inalte si asta nu doar datorita staturii mele cat si pentru faptul ca-i vad perfecti in forma lor, totusi aceasta pereche de pantofi roz ii ador pentru confortul pe care il confera si pentru coloarea pe care o gasesc superba.
Enciclopedia de astazi va fi legata de printul dungilor in moda. Topul cu dungi asa cum il cunoastem astazi a luat fiinta datorita unui decret de lege din Franta, care a introdus bleumarin si alb cu dungi la camasile uniformelor tricotate ale marinarilor din marina franceza. Designul original, avea 21 de dungi, una pentru fiecare dintre victoriile lui Napoleon.
Trecerea acestui articol de imbracaminte de la clasa muncitoare in moda feminina, a fost a fost practic o desprindere de moda corsetelor a acelor timpuri. Evolutia a luat amploare si datorita cresterii in popularitate a destinatiilor de pe litoral, cum ar fi Saint Tropez. In viziunea lui Coco Chanel aceasta piesa putea fi asociata cu pantaloni lungi evazati. In stilul adaptat in anii '30, clasa superioara ar asocia partea de sus cu o cravata, sacou si pantaloni scurti.
Topul a fiind facut ulterior popular de staruri precum Marilyn Monroe, Pablo Picasso, Brigitte Bardot, Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Audrey Hepburn, James Dean si Jean Seberg.
Designul este acum sinonim cu stilul parizian chic. Topul a fost recreat in colectiile unor de case de moda, cum ar fi, Balmain, Gucci, Givenchy si Jean Paul Gaultier.
Va imbratisez cu drag!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Lace fairy tale

And because finally "the sun just arrived on my street" to be more specific, on our sky, and I also hope that it will stay there, so that nothing will overshadow it, I chose a chic summer outfit. My outfit consists of a striped blouse, which became a classic, since Coco Chanel to our days, and a white lace pencil skirt  sewn by my dear seamstress whom I miss her a lot since I moved from the city where I grew up. The look is completed by my favorite bag which I find it very versatile as it can be worn both in an elegant and casual way.
The origin of the lace craft, is a mystery increased also by the legends that have blended over it during times. Although they reached a consensus regarding the origin of this art being agreed on Venice, there are still opinions such as the lace would actually have roots in Asia.
During the evolution of this craft were used various fabrics as silk, gold and silver (in some works of some artists) to the commune cotton or synthetic fibers. In the 16th century there was a rapid development in the field of lace, which were dominant in both fashion and interior decoration.
There are many types of lace, classified according to how they are made​​. This includes: needle lace, cutwork lace, bobbin lace, tape lace, knotted lace, crocheted lace, knitted lace, machine made lace and ​​chemical lace.
The crocheted lace leads my thoughts to my mother, I remember her fondly spending hours, days, weeks even months crocheting and sewing macramĂ© and doilies being like in a tacit competition with neighbors or my aunts, exhibiting glorious in the end these masterpieces on the furniture shelves, on the tables and other objects around the house.
Hug you all!

Si pentru ca in sfarsit a venit si "soarele pe strada mea" mai exact pe cerul nostru si acolo sper sa ramana, astfel ca nimic sa nu-l umbreasca, am ales o tinuta chic de vara. Tinuta mea este formata dintr-o bluza cu dungi, devenita un classic de la Coco Chanel incoace, si o fusta creion din dantela alba cusuta de draga mea croitoreasa careia ii duc dorul de cand m-am mutat din orasul in care am crescut. Look-ul fiind definitivat de geanta mea preferata, care dupa parerea mea este una versatila putand fi purtata atat intr-o maniera eleganta cat si casul.
Provenienta mestesugului dantelei, este un mister intensificat pe de-o parte si de legendele care care s-au tesut de-a lungul timpului. Cu toate acestea s-a ajuns la un consens cu privire la originea acestei arte, convenindu-se asupra Venetiei, desi, mai exista inca pareri cum ca de fapt, dantela si-ar avea radacinile in Asia.
Pe parcursul evolutiei acestui mestesug s-au folosit diverse material de la in, matase, aur si argint (in unele lucrari ale unor artisti) pana la comunul bumbac sau chiar fibre sintetice. In secolul al XVI- lea a existat o dezvoltare rapida in domeniul dantelei, aceasta fiind dominanta atat in moda cat si in decoratiunile interioare.
Exista mai multe tipuri de dantela, acestea fiind clasificate in functie de modul in care sunt realizate. Aici se  includ: dantela  cu acul, dantela taiata, dantela cu mosorul, dantela cu banda, dantela  innodata, dantela crosetata, dantela tricotata, dantela facuta automat la masina si dantela realizata printr-un proces chimic.
Dantela crosetata ma duce cu gandul la mama, imi amintesc cu drag cum petrecea ore, zile, saptamani chiar luni crosetand macrame si cosand mileuri fiind parca intr-o competitie tacita cu vecinele sau cu matusile mele. Etaland la final aceste capodopere falnic pe rafturile mobilei, pe masute si alte obiecte de prin casa.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Work hard ... party hard

Today I will introduce you, once again, work outfit in my characteristic style. So, when it comes to office trousers I prefer the loose ones instead of the tight model, thus I choose a pair of ZARA navy trousers having a tapered cut, combined with a silk black shirt, spiced up with a Colin Stuart red pair of shoes which I purchased from Victoria's Secrets website. At all this I added an animal print belt having gold details and golden accessories also, and .... Voila!
Hug you all <3

Astazi va prezint din nou o tinuta de servici in stilul meu caracteristic. Cand vine vorba de pantaloni la dunga imi plac cei lejeri in detrimentul celor stramti, asa incat am ales o astfel de pereche de pantaloni bleumarini de la ZARA avand o croiala conica, in combinatie cu o camasa din matase neagra, pe care le-am condimentat cu o pereche de pantofi rosii Colin Stuart, pe care i-am achizitionat de pe site-ul celor de la Victoria's Secrets. La toate astea am adaugat o curea animal print cu detalii aurii si accesorii tot aurii si ... Voila!
Va imbratisez cu drag <3

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Friday, 4 July 2014

Boyfriend jeans

I have repeatedly said how much I love the boyfriend jeans for their comfort and versatility in all sorts of combinations. This is an outfit I have been wearing yesterday and I chose to combine this pair of boyfriend jeans with an oriental print shirt (hence the idea of dangle earrings).
Did you know that jeans were invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873? Since the 1950s, jeans, originally designed for cowboys and miners, have become popular among teenagers. Brands that made history include Levi, Lee and Wrangler. Over time jeans have taken various shapes: from slim, tapered, straight, flared, loose, low waist, high waist to the fadedthreadbare or even ragged.
Hug you all!

Am afirmat in repetate randuri cum ca ador boyfriend jeans atat pentru confortul si lejeritatea lor,  cat si pentru versatilitate, acestia pretandu-se in tot felul de combinatii. Asta este o tinuta pe care am purtat-o ieri si la care am ales sa combin aceasta pereche de boyfriend jeans cu o camasa cu imprimeu oriental (de unde si ideea cerceilor candelabru).
Stiati ca blugii au fost inventati de Jacob Davis si Levi Strauss in 1873? Incepand cu anii 1950, blugii, conceputi initial pentru cowboy si mineri, au devenit populari si in randul adolescentilor. Brand-urile care au facut istorie includ Levi, Lee, si Wrangler. De-a lungul timpului blugii au luat diferite forme: de la slim, conici, drepti, evazati, largi, cu talie joasa, cu talie inalta pana la cei decolorati, rosi sau chiar rupti.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Catch up June

June was the month of diversity as style, as mood, also from the weather point of view. Today's post is a recap of June and in case you missed any of the post, under each photo you will find a link of the original article .
Hug you all!

Iunie a fost o luna a diversitatii ca si stil, dispozitie, vreme. Postarea de astazi este o recapitulate a lunii Iunie si in caz ca ati omis vreo postare sub fiecare fotografie aveti link-ul catre articolul original.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Let the summer begin!

At the office

World cup

Dancing in the rain

Dancing dots

Walking away

Linden scent

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