Hello my dears! Because I'm very excited to go on vacation and my luggage is eagerly waiting for me at the door, today I will be very brief. I'm only telling you that for this post I chose an atypical combination in the way that I have matched my earrings with the message from the shirt :) the rest is gossip.
Hug you all with love!
Buna dragele mele! Pentru ca sunt foarte nerabdatoare sa plec in vacanta iar bagajul ma asteapta dornic la usa astazi voi fi foarte concisa. Va spun doar ca in aceasta postare am optat pentru o asociere atipica in sensul ca mi-am asortat cerceii cu mesajul de pe tricou :) restul e cancan.
Va imbratisez cu drag!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN
Great outfit girl!
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Superbe pozele! Si eu am fost de curand in Mamaia si am ramas placut impresionata de statiune si de renovarile aduse ei. Pupici