Monday, 10 November 2014

Rock it, girl!!!

Because lately plaid shirts become incredible popular today I decided to take mine out from the back of my closet. The chosen style is rock.  Rock-chic and sporty styles are representing me the best although sometimes I adopt elegant, classic or Boohoo outfits.
The boots I bought them last year from Il Passo and I can say that it was love at first sight, the model is versatile and can be worn in many combinations with items belonging to different styles as you will see in future posts.
Hug you all with love!

Pentru ca in ultima perioada camasile in carouri se bucura de o popularitate incredibila azi m-am gandit sa o scot si pe a mea de la naftalina. Stilul pe care am mers este rock. Rock-chic si sporty fiind de fapt stilurie  care ma reprezinta cel mai bine desi uneori mai adopt si tinute elegante, clasice sau din categoria boohoo.
Botinele le-am cumparat anul trecut de la Il Passo si pot spune ca a fost dragoste la prima vedere, modelul este unul versatil putand fii purtat in mai multe combinatii cu piese ce apartin unor stiluri diferite dupa cum veti vedea si in postarile viitoare.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Summertime Sadness

Again I have not posted in a while and I apologize for that just so you know the laziness was not the cause I just  had a very busy period and also frosty. But today on the other hand the sun and the time was on my side. I'd like to start with my new haircut that I hate it so much, a simple tip cutting it turned in to half a length of my hair, I just hate the hairdressers or better said the self entitled stylist when they find them self with a scissor in their hand  they simply can't stop anymore. 
Today I wore an outfit which I can call it "the good and the bad". I killed the naughty side of the over the knee boots by pairing them with a shirt whose details I adore them, is having a particularly fine embroidery and the flounces are just delighted. The tweed shorts have a long and complicated story, at first they were a vintage skirt that I thought they can be transformed into something else. Regarding the accessories I opted for some vintage silver pieces.
The special thanks goes to my dearest friends Adnana & Adrian for the recommended song <3
Hug you all with love!

Din nou nu am mai postat de ceva vreme si imi cer scuze pentru asta a se intelege ca nu lenea a fost cauza ci faptul ca am avut o perioada foarte aglomerat si geroasa totodata. Azi in schimb soarele si timpul a fost de partea me. As vrea sa incep cu noua mea tunsoare pe care o urasc si de la o simpla taiere a varfurilor m-am trezit cu jumatate din lungimea parului retezat, pur si simplu urasc coafezele sau mai bine zis ca sa fiu in ton cu vremurile autointitulatele stiliste/ stilisti care in momentul in care se vad cu o foarfeca in mana pur si simplu nu se mai opresc.
Azi am purtat o tinuta “cuminte” si “rea”, cizmele peste genunchi le-am cumintit cu o camasa ale carei detalii le ador, broderia este una deosebit de fina iar volanele fac tot deliciul. Pantalonii scurti tweed au o poveste mai lunga si complicata ei fiind la inceput o fusta vintage pe care m-am gandit eu ca poate fi transformata in altceva. La capitolul accesorii am optat pentru niste piese vintage din argint.
Multumiri dragilor mei prieteni Adnanei & Adrian pentru recomandarea piesei <3
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Jones... Indiana Jones

At the photo shooting for today's post I had "fans" as you can see on the background. Although I've asked them to stay on the side the curiosity grind them, so they hardly could stay away but I can say they were funny guys and even more, as us women we like to know that we are admired (even from behind a fence) :). 
This outfit is a distinct comparing to what I'm usually wearing,  is quite close to boohoo- chic style. The hat is a new acquisition and I love it so much that I could sleep with it :)  the skirt I wore it last summer too in a different combination that you can review it here: Dancing dots, the autumnal green cardigan I bought it from an Outlet from Paris and is from Antik Batik, a brand that focuses on items with ethnic inspired design. My favorite piece of the whole outfit and the one for which I care very much is the vintage belt. I ordered it a few years ago from a Romanian website of vintage products called  Vintage BazarI recommend you this website, you will find outstanding products and mostly qualitative. The belt is snake leather, is a very beautiful piece and qualitative but also very sensitive.
Hug you all with love!

La shooting-ul foto pentru postarea de azi am avut spectatori dupa cum se si poate vedea pe fundal. Desi i-am tot rugat sa se dea mai la o parte curiozitatea ii macina atat de tare incat cu greu s-au putut abtine, insa pot spune ca au fost amuzanti baietii si cu atat mai mult cu cat noua femeilor ne place sa stim ca suntem admirate (chiar si de dupa un gard) :).
Tinuta este una aparte comparand cu ceea ce port de obicei, ducand un pic spre stilul boohoo- chic. Palaria este o noua achizitie si o ador imi vine sa si dorm cu ea :), fusta am mai purtat-o si vara trecuta in alta combinatie pe care o puteti revedea aici: Dancing dots, ploverul de un verde tomnatic l-am achizitionat de la un Outlet din Paris si este de la Antik Batik, un brand care pune accent pe design-ul pieselor vestimentare de inspiratie etnica. Piesa mea preferata din toata tinuta si la care tin foarte mult este cureaua vintage pe care am comandat-o acum cativa ani in urma de pe site-ul romanesc de produse vintage Vintage Bazar pe care vi-l recomand si unde veti gasi produse deosebite si in marea lor majoritate calitative. Este din piele de sarpe, este o piesa deosebit de frumoasa si calitativa insa si deosebit de sensibila.
Va imbratisez cu dragoste!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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