Showing posts with label Cap New Look. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cap New Look. Show all posts

Monday, 10 November 2014

Rock it, girl!!!

Because lately plaid shirts become incredible popular today I decided to take mine out from the back of my closet. The chosen style is rock.  Rock-chic and sporty styles are representing me the best although sometimes I adopt elegant, classic or Boohoo outfits.
The boots I bought them last year from Il Passo and I can say that it was love at first sight, the model is versatile and can be worn in many combinations with items belonging to different styles as you will see in future posts.
Hug you all with love!

Pentru ca in ultima perioada camasile in carouri se bucura de o popularitate incredibila azi m-am gandit sa o scot si pe a mea de la naftalina. Stilul pe care am mers este rock. Rock-chic si sporty fiind de fapt stilurie  care ma reprezinta cel mai bine desi uneori mai adopt si tinute elegante, clasice sau din categoria boohoo.
Botinele le-am cumparat anul trecut de la Il Passo si pot spune ca a fost dragoste la prima vedere, modelul este unul versatil putand fii purtat in mai multe combinatii cu piese ce apartin unor stiluri diferite dupa cum veti vedea si in postarile viitoare.
Va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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