Showing posts with label Jumpsuit Pretty- Girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jumpsuit Pretty- Girl. Show all posts

Monday, 8 September 2014

Coral shades

Given the fact that during the holiday I was very busy with parties and therefore I had no "free time" I decided to do a remake of the worn outfits. And because there are not so many sunny days left due to the period of year in which we are, I took advantage of the beautiful Saturday weather so I spent most of the day doing photo shootings. 
For today's post I chose to wear this lovely coral jumpsuit marking the waist with a golden drawstring and for the accessories I choose the deep blue color, this contrast is highlighting each piece.
Hug you all with love!

Dat fiind faptul ca in vacanta am fost deosebit de ocupata cu petrecerile si deci nu am avut deloc “timp liber” m-am decis sa fac un remake al tinutelor purtate. Si pentru ca zile insorite sunt numarate avand in vedere perioada anului in care ne aflam, sambata am profitat de vremea minunata astfel mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte a zilei facand mai multe shooting-uri foto.
Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa port acesta minunata salopeta corai, marcand talia cu un cordon auriu si optand pentru accesorii de un albastru intens, contrastul cromatic scotand in evidenta fiecare piesa in parte.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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