Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Blue mood

Hello my dears J
New week, new post even better as lately the so much craved sun has begun to emerge, and  even if it has toots is still pleasant. I chose an outfit that for a while already I wanted to immortalize it on film, rather say on the memory card for a blog post and now that moment came. Finely! It is an -All blue- outfit made of my favorite pair of ripped jeans and a blue classic shirt that I purchased it a few years ago from the VS website; all this were "seasoned" with two pairs of pearls strings. Given the temperature I could not give up the accessories and here I mean the leather jacket, which I believe is a must have and goes well in all combinations and the tartan scarf which is a must have of this season.
Until the next post I embrace you with love!

Buna dragele mele J
O noua saptamana o noua postare cu atat mai mult cu cat in ultima perioada a mai inceput sa iasa si soarele dupa care ravnesc atat de tare, chiar daca domnia sa are oare si ce dintisori. Am ales o tinuta pe care imi doream de mult sa o imortalizez pe pelicula, mai curand pe memory card pentru blog si acum i-a venit randul. Este un “All blue outfit” compusa din perechea mea favorita de jeansi rupti si o camasa clasica albastra pe care am comandat-o ceva ani in urma pe de site-ul celor de la VS; la toate acestea am “asezonat” doua perechi de siraguri de perle. Data fiind temperatura nu am putut renunta la accesorii si aici ma refer la geaca de piele, care dupa parerea mea este un must have si merge in toate combinatiile si esarfa tartan care este un must have al acestui sezon.
Pana la urmatoarea postare va imbratisez cu drag!



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Friday, 16 January 2015

Cozy chic

Hello my dears! It seems that lately I'm posting increasingly less so I have to say I'm a little disappointed of me. The problem is that I want to do too many things and to my disappointment I end up doing very little. First the full time job I have it covers three quarter of the day, and in the remaining time difference I'm trying to merge the other activities which between me and you aren't few where I also add the resting without I can not function. I do not complain, I'm not looking for excuses I just express my thoughts or even better I argue with myself a bit.
Being still cold, I chose an outfit in "layers" in a Sport- chic style. The outfit is composed of a pair of tapered leather pants, a pair of UGG, a white sport top to which I associate two strings of pearls, my favorite fake fur vest and the must have of this season  the tartan shawl. Which I got it from the Santa Clause and which I love it (the shawl and so the Santa). The chic note is given by the three quarter gloves and pearls strings.
I let you now to warm up a bit with the most recent song of INNA.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele! Se pare ca in ultima perioada postez din ce in ce mai rar asa incat trebuie sa mentionez ca sunt putin dezamagita de mine. Problema e ca vreau sa fac prea multe lucruri si spre dezamagirea mea sfarsesc prin a face foarte putine. In primul rand job-ul imi ocupa treisferturi din zi astfel ca incerc sa comasez celelalte activitati care intre noi fie vorba nu sunt putine la numar in diferenta de timp ramasa la care se adauga si odihna fara de care eu una nu pot functiona. Nu ma plang, nu ma scuz imi insirui doar gandurile sau poate chiar ma cert un pic.
Fiind inca frig am ales o tinuta in “straturi” intr-un stil sport- chic. Outfit- ul este compus dintr-o pereche de pantaloni conici de piele, o pereche de UGG, un top sport alb la care am asociat doua siraguri de perle, vesta mea favorita din blana artificiala si senzatia acestui anotimp salul tartan pe  care mi l-a adus Mos Craciun si pe care il ador (atat salul cat si pe Mosul). Nota chic este data de perle cat si de manusile treisferturi.
In continuare va las sa va incalziti cu cea mai recenta melodie a INNei.
Va imbratisez cu drag! 



Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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