Photography by ANDREEA TALIN
Monday, 22 September 2014
Friday, 19 September 2014
Genius 01
Today is Friday and I can’t be happier that another
work week has ended. I can say that I had a great week and it
been a very active one too, besides the fact that I was stuck with a “splendid”
flood from which resulted an impetuous need of a general clean
up, I also restarted the sports activities because
between me and you, since I returned from my holiday I went
through a period of culinary chaos; this is me trying to
express myself in an elegant manner in fact I have others terms in my mind
in order to describe what I actually feel regarding my diet. Another reason
for which I'm really excited that the weekend is coming is
that I have started the swimming lessons so I can’t
wait for the next summer to come to put my new skills into
Today's outfit is kind of a sporty-chic style, I have combined a pencil skirt with a pair of sandals with ankle strap and an American baseball t-shirt, bringing a splash of color with the help of a statement necklace. Next, I'll leave you to enjoy one of Trey Songz's songs for which I developed a real passion lately.
Today's outfit is kind of a sporty-chic style, I have combined a pencil skirt with a pair of sandals with ankle strap and an American baseball t-shirt, bringing a splash of color with the help of a statement necklace. Next, I'll leave you to enjoy one of Trey Songz's songs for which I developed a real passion lately.
Hug you all with love!
Azi este vineri si nu pot decat sa ma bucur pentru ca inca o
saptamana de lucru s-a incheiat. Pot spune ca am avut o saptamana plina si foarte activa,
pe langa faptul ca m-am pricopsit cu o inundatie de toata frumusetea fapt ce a
determinat nevoia spontana a unei curatenii generale, am reluat si activitatile
sportive pentru ca de cand m-am intors din vacanta am trecut printr-o perioada
de haos culinar; asta ca sa incerc sa ma exprim intr-o maniera eleganta pentru
ca in realitate altii sunt termenii care-mi vin in minte. Un alt motiv pentru
care sunt foarte incantata ca vine weekendul este pentru ca am inceput lectiile
de inot astfel ca abia astept vara viitoare pentru a pune in practica noile
mele abilitati.
Tinuta de astazi este un fel de sporty-chic, am combinat o
fusta creion cu o pereche de sandale cu bareta pe glezna si un american
baseball t-shirt, aducand o pata de culoare cu ajutorul uni colier statement.
In continuare va las sa va delectati cu una din melodiile lui Trey Songz pentru
care am dezvoltat o adevarata pasiune in ultima vreme.
Va imbratisez cu drag!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Sunny sequins
Based on the lately experiences my mood was a changing one
going from one extreme to another, culminating with taking some
decisions of a major importance for me. And because
the autumn include buds I’m going through a period of transition too, a time of changes. So
I entered into a full process of preparation,
physical training, mental and intellectual with the
sole purpose of the great change in
my life. More I tell you at the time of
The chosen today’s outfit falls into the category of "holiday
remake" because I’m still nostalgic about those
days. It is composed of a pair of jeans cut
by me, a ragged
sequined top which
I bought it from
garment factory, a pair of platforms and
a statement necklace.
Hug you all with love!
Pe fondul ultimelor trairi dispozitia mea din ultima perioada
a fost una schimbatoare trecand de la o extrema la alta culminand cu luarea
unor decizii de importanta capitala pentru mine. Si pentru ca toamna se numara bobocii
si eu la randul meu trec printro perioada de tranzitie, o perioada a
schimbarilor. Astfel am intrat in plin process de pregatire, pregatire fizica,
psihica si intelectuala avand ca unic scop marea schimbare din viata mea. Mai
multe am sa va spun la momentul realizarii.
Tinuta aleasa astazi intra tot in categoria “holiday remake”
pentru ca inca sunt nostaligica dupa acele zile. Este compusa dintr-o pereche
de jeansi taiati de mine, un top rupt din paiete pe care l-am achizitionat de
la o fabrica de confectii, o pereche de platforme si un colier statement.
Va imbratisez cu drag!
Photography by ANDREEA TALIN
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
Coral shades
Given the fact that during the holiday I was very busy with parties and therefore I had no "free time" I decided to do a remake of the worn outfits. And because there are not so many sunny days left due to the period of year in which we are, I took advantage of the beautiful Saturday weather so I spent most of the day doing photo shootings.
For today's post I
chose to wear this lovely coral jumpsuit marking the waist with a golden drawstring
and for the accessories I choose the deep blue color, this contrast is highlighting
each piece.
Hug you all with love!
Dat fiind faptul ca in vacanta am fost deosebit de ocupata
cu petrecerile si deci nu am avut deloc “timp liber” m-am decis sa fac un remake
al tinutelor purtate. Si pentru ca zile insorite sunt numarate avand in vedere
perioada anului in care ne aflam, sambata am profitat de vremea minunata astfel
mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte a zilei facand mai multe shooting-uri foto.
Pentru postarea de azi am ales sa port acesta minunata
salopeta corai, marcand talia cu un cordon auriu si optand pentru accesorii de
un albastru intens, contrastul cromatic scotand in evidenta fiecare piesa in
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