Thursday, 12 February 2015


Because in this period is in vogue and because all of us are anxiously  waiting for Mr Grey, I decided to write 50 things about me. Even more because soon will be a year since I created my blog and therefore is time to get to know each other better. Let's proceed:
  1. I love to laugh and I make people around me laugh
  2. I like to dance
  3. I like almost all kinds of music
  4. I love the sea and sun
  5. I'm addicted to shopping
  6. I am a gourmet (which doesn't go along with fashion)
  7. I love traveling
  8. I am loyal
  9. I am very independent
  10. I am ambitious
  11. I 'm an emotional person
  12. I cry easily
  13. I like coffee with lots of milk/ cream and very little sugar
  14. I occasionally do sport
  15. I work in IT domain
  16. I graduated the University and the Master in Economics
  17. I like to drive
  18. I have a "colorful" language
  19. I love sushi, Lebanese and Turkish cuisine
  20. I like bacon with onion
  21. I'm addicted of cheese (not a day is passing without eating even a small bite)
  22. In high school I was the loudest from my classroom
  23. When I was little I was very boyish and always beat the other children
  24. In childhood I used to get along better with boys than with girls
  25. I am a very social person
  26. I am passionate about foreign languages
  27. I have a sister 11 years younger than me
  28. I learned to swim at the age of 31 (ie a few months ago)
  29. I get angry quickly
  30. I like to try new recipes and often I succeed
  31. I do not always like to admit I was wrong
  32. I hate the cold, but I don't like the  excessive heat either
  33. I like doing sauna
  34. I'm addicted to massage
  35. I have a slight facial asymmetry
  36. I do not care what others think or say about me
  37. I smoked for 16 years
  38. Me and my best friend're friends for about 16-17 years :)
  39. I think I tried all the possible diets
  40. I always wanted to visit America all I got was a rejection from the embassy :(
  41. I traveled to nearly 30 countries from almost all continents
  42. I am not involved in any relationship
  43. Several years ago I decided to never get married
  44. When I created the Facebook ID for the first time, I did it to play FarmVille
  45. I like things to be well organized and orderly
  46. I never go out of the house without earrings
  47. I collect bags from major brands
  48. I love to drive ski-jet
  49. I'm a film fan
  50. I am passionate about tailoring
Pentru ca tot este in mare voga in perioada asta si pentru ca, cu toatele il asteptam cu sufletul la gura pe Mr Grey, m-am gandit sa scriu 50 de lucruri despre mine. Cu atat mai mult cu cat in curand se implineste un an  de cand mi-am creat blogul si deci este cazul sa ne cunoastem mai bine. Sa incepem:
  1. Ador sa rad si sa-i fac pe cei din jurul meu sa rada
  2. Imi place sa dansez
  3. Imi plac aproape toate genurile de muzica
  4. Iubesc marea si soarele
  5. Sunt dependent de shopping
  6. Sunt gurmanda (ceea ce nu se prea pupa cu moda)
  7. Imi place sa calatoresc
  8. Sunt loiala
  9. Sunt foarte independenta
  10. Sunt ambitioasa
  11. Ma emotionez repede
  12. Plang usor
  13. Imi place cafeau cu mult lapte/ frisca si foarte putin zahar
  14. Fac sport ocazional
  15. Lucrez in IT
  16. Am absolvit facultatea si masterul in economie
  17. Imi place sa conduc
  18. Am un limbaj colorat
  19. Iubesc sushi, bucataria turceasca si libaneza
  20. Imi place slanina cu ceapa
  21. Sunt dependeta de branza de oi (nu trece nici o zi fara sa mananc macar o bucatica)
  22. In liceu eram guraliva clasei
  23. Cand eram mica eram foarte baietoasa si mereu ii bateam pe ceilalti copii
  24. In copilarie ma intelegeam mai bine cu baietii decat cu fetele
  25. Sunt o persoana foarte sociabila
  26. Sunt pasionata de limbi straine
  27. Am o sora cu 11 ani mai mica decat mine
  28. Am invatat sa innot la 31 de ani (adica acum cateva luni)
  29. Ma enervez repede
  30. Imi place sa incerc retete noi si de cele mai multe ori chiar imi ies
  31. Nu imi place sa recunosc intotdeauna ca am gresit
  32. Urasc frigul, insa nici caldura prea mare nu ma “flateaza”
  33. Imi place sa fac sauna
  34. Sunt dependenta de masaj
  35. Am o usoara asimetrie faciala
  36. Nu ma intereseaza ce cred sau spun altii despre mine
  37. Am fumat timp de 16 ani
  38. Cu prietena mea cea mai buna suntem prietene de 16-17 ani, acusi sarbatorim majoratul :)
  39. Cred ca am tinut toate dietele posibile
  40. Mereu mi-am dorit sa ajung in America, pana acum m-am ales cu un refuz de la ambasada :( 
  41. Am calatorit in aproape 30 de tari de pe aproape toate continentele
  42. Nu sunt implicata in nici o relatie
  43. Acum cativa ani am luat decizia de a nu ma casatorii niciodata
  44. Cand mi-am creat adresa de Facebook pentru prima data am facut-o pentru a juca FarmVille
  45. Imi place ca lucrurile sa fie bine organizate si ordonate
  46. Nu ies niciodata din casa fara cercei
  47. Colectionez plase de la marile branduri
  48. Imi place foarte tare sa ma plimb cu skijet-ul
  49. Sunt o cinefila
  50. Sunt pasionata de croitorie


  1. it's really important to know some aspects of the people we meet in the blog. I have similar tastes....especially on points 2,3,4,5 and 23!!! Have a nice day, kisses and thank you for stopping at my blog,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  2. Ce dragut ! dar de unde pana unde faza cu casatoritul niciodata? :))

  3. Fabulous dear! great insights of you!
    kisses from Miami,


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