Monday, 25 August 2014

Mamaia's summer

Hello my dears, I'm sorry I took such a long time off, but as you can see in the pictures below I was on vacation. It was a holiday between girls and I can say it was the most fun vacation I've ever had so farSo, today's post is not just about me it will be dedicated to my dear friends that have brightened me in the past 2 weeks.The chosen destination was Mamaia one of the most famous resort on the Romanian Black Sea shore and a district of Constanta, which I recommend to everyone who wants to have fun especiallyMamaia is studded from one end to another with restaurants, bars, cafes, clubs and private beaches. Thanks God we had good luck with the weather and a great time except the literally and figuratively storm from the penultimate evening. I can conclude that this holiday has left a mark in my heart and my mind at least for a while.  So I will leave you in the company of the photos and the song that made the delight of beach parties and clubs parties.
Hug you all!

Buna dragele mele, imi cer scuze ca am luat o pauza atat de mare insa dupa cum puteti vedea in fotografiile de mai jos am fost in vacanta. A fost o vacanta intre fete si pot afirma ca a fost cea mai distractiva vacanta din cate am avut parte pana acum, presarata cu de toate. Asa incat, postarea de astazi nu va fi doar despre mine ci va fi dedicata prietenelor mele care mi-au inseninat ultimele 2 saptamani. Destinatia aleasa a fost Mamaia cea mai renumita statiune din Romania pe care o recomand tuturor celor care vor sa se distreze in special. Mamaia fiind impanzita de la un capat la altul cu restaurante, baruri, cafenele, cluburi si plaje private. Slava Domnului ca am avut noroc si de o vreme extraordinara exceptand furtuna la propriu cat si la figurat din penultima seara. Pot concluziona ca aceasta vacanta si-a lasat amprenta in mintea si sufletul meu cel putin pentru o perioada, astfel, va las in compania fotografiilor cat si a unei melodii care a facut deliciul petrecerilor de pe plaja si din cluburi.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Friday, 8 August 2014


Hello my dears! Because I'm very excited to go on vacation and my luggage is eagerly waiting for me at the door, today I will be very brief. I'm only telling you that for this post I chose an atypical combination in the way that I have matched my earrings with the message from the shirt :) the rest is gossip.
Hug you all with love!

Buna dragele mele! Pentru ca sunt foarte nerabdatoare sa plec in vacanta iar bagajul ma asteapta dornic la usa astazi voi fi foarte concisa. Va spun doar ca in aceasta postare am optat pentru o asociere atipica in sensul ca mi-am asortat cerceii cu mesajul de pe tricou :) restul e cancan.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Lady in brown

The chosen title was by chance. But due to a simply search I discovered a wonderful legend behind "Lady in Brown", without any connection to my reality, and because the location of the photos meets the story I decided to share it with you.
The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall was a ghost which reportedly haunts Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England. She became one of the most famous haunting in Great Britain when photographers from Country Life magazine  claimed to have captured its image. Brown Lady  is so named because of the brown brocade dress it is claimed she wears. 

According to legend, Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole. She was the second wife of Charles Townshend, who was known for his violent temper. The story goes that when Townshend discovered that his wife committed adultery with Lord Wharton, he punished her by locking her in a room of the family home, Raynham Hall. She remained at Raynham Hall until her death caused by smallpox.
And after this journey in the novel world, we are back to nowadays and more precise to the outfit I worn today. The animal print dress is another "masterpiece" of mine and when it comes to animal print I like to keep it simple (as I mentioned in another post in which I presented in more detail a few "rules" of wearing it, and you can read that here  ) this time also I chose to go on the same palette of colors without risking too much. The result appreciate it yourself!
Hug you all with love!

Alegerea titlului a fost o pura intamplare. Insa la o simpla cautare am descoperit minunata legenda din spatele "Doamnei in maro", fara nicio legatura cu realitatea mea, si pentru ca si locatia din fotografii vine in intampinarea povestii am decis sa v-o impartasesc si voua. 
"Doamna in Maro" din Raynham Hall este o fantoma, care se spune ca a bantuit Raynham Hall din Norfolk, Anglia. A devenit una dintre cele mai renumite bantuitoare din Marea Britanie atunci cand fotografii revistei Country Life pretindeau ca au capturat imaginea ei. "Doamna Brown" este numita astfel din cauza rochiei din brocart maro pe care se pretindea ca o purta.
Potrivit legendei, "Doamna Brown din Raynham Hall" este fantoma lui Lady Dorothy Walpole. Ea a fost a doua sotie a lui Charles Townshend, care era renumit pentru temperamentul sau violent. Povestea spune ca, atunci cand Townshend a descoperit ca sotia lui a comis adulter cu Lord Wharton, el a pedepsit-o prin incuierea ei in una din camerele casei familiei, Raynham Hall. Ea a ramas la Raynham Hall pana la moartea ei cauzata de variola.
Si dupa acest periplu in lumea povestilor revenim in zilele noastre si mai exact la tinuta purtata de mine azi. Rochia animal print este o alta "capodopera" de a mea si pentru ca atunci cand vine vorba de animal print I like to keep it simple (dupa cum am mai mentionat intr-o alta postare in care am prezentat mai pe larg cateva "reguli" de purtare si pe care puteti sa o cititi aici ) si de aceasta data am ales sa merg pe aceeasi paleta de nuante fara a risca prea mult. Rezultatul va invit sa-l apreciati singuri!
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Monday, 4 August 2014

Catch up July

July month was finally warm and also a month of parties given the fact that was my birthday too. As a Leo I love to celebrate it like in the fairy tales with 3 days and 3 nights parties, when it comes to me things can not be left to chance. As about the wanted sun I managed to make my skirts see it. Today's post is a review of July and if you missed a post under each photo you will find link to the original article.
Hug you all!

Iulie a fost in sfarsit o luna mai calduroasa si totodata o luna a petrecerilor dat fiind faptul ca a fost zi ziua mea. Leu fiind imi place sa sarbatoresc ca in basme cate 3 zile si 3 nopti , cand e vorba de mine lucrurile nu pot fi lasate la voia intamplarii. Cat despre soarele mult asteptat am reusit sa il arat si fustelor mele. Postarea de astazi este o trecere in revista a lunii Iulie si in cazul in care ati omis vreo postare sub fiecare fotografie aveti link-ul catre articolul original.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

Boyfriend jeans

Work hard ... party hard

Lace fairy tale

Pink & Stripes

Ange ou démon

MINI mood

Red lips

Wide desert

B- day girl

Lime green

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