Friday, 24 April 2015

A new beginning

I apologize to those who are following my activity because I have't posted for a long time but I had a good reason as I had no photographer, this is one of the drawbacks of being fashion blogger, you must always have someone at your disposal in order to have continuity. But recently I started a new collaboration which I hope will be auspicious :) . 
Today I chose a rock outfit, which, as I previous said is the style that best suits me. I paired  a vest, who's having a similar look like the traditional Romanian vest called "bundita" (for those who are interested to purchase an authentic one I invite you to click here). A silk shirt and a pair of leather trousers . I opted for bold accessories, on gold to complement the brown and a pair of fingerless gloves.
Hug you all with love!

Imi cer scuze celor ce imi urmaresc activitatea ca nu am mai postat de foarte mult timp insa am avut un motiv intemeiat pentru ca am ramas fara fotograf, asta fiind unul dintre neajunsurile bloggingului de fashion, trebuie sa ai mereu pe cineva la dispozitia ta pentru a putea avea continuitate. Insa de curand am inceput o noua colaborare care sper eu sa fie de bun augur.
Azi am ales o tinuta rock, care asa cum am mai spus este stilul care ma reprezinta cel mai bine. Am combinat o vesta in genul bunditei romanesti, iar pentru cei interesati sa achizitioneze una autentica ii invit aici. O camasa de matase si o pereche de pantaloni din piele ecologica. Am optat pentru accesorii bold, aurii care vin in completarea maroului si o pereche de mausi fara degete.  
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Monday, 6 April 2015

Leather is the new black

I have to say that I froze when I took this photo-shoot to the point that I could't move. If I see the smallest radius, what seems to me to be the sun, I'm already skipping the thermal comfort. And as the top was backless is pointless to mention, lucky with the knitting collar that I felt like pulling it over the head.
I chose to wear an all black outfit/all leather outfit with emphasis on animal print sneakers. These sneakers I have started to wear them increasingly more often, especially since with the false spring. They goes well within smart/office outfits,  jeans, leather, and some casual models of dresses or skirts so we will hear and see about them.
Further I  leave you to warm up with this summer rhythms.
Hug you all with love!

Vreau sa va zic ca am inghetat cand am facut aceste fotografii de nu ma mai puteam misca. Eu cand vad si cea mai mica raza, de ceea ce mi se pare mie a fi soare, deja pierd din vedere confortul termic. Si ca top-ul mai era si fara spate nu are rost sa va spun, noroc de gulerul tricotat pe care imi venea sa-l trag si pe cap.
Am ales sa port o tinuta all black/ all leather cu accent pe tenisii animal print. Acesti tenisi am inceput sa-i port din ce in ce mai des, mai ales de cand cu falsa primavara. Merg si la tinute smart office, merg si cu jeansi, si cu piele, si la unele modele casual de rochii sau fuste asa incat despre ei vom mai auzi si vom mai vedea.
Mai departe va las sa va incalziti pe ritmuri de vara.
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Photography by ANDREEA TALIN

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